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"billie! billie, wake up! it's just a nightmare, it's okay!" billie recognized the voice as y/n's.

billie shut her eyes tightly and when she opened them again, she was back in y/n's bed. the bedside lamp was on and y/n was leaning over her, shaking her gently.

billie couldn't quite remember the details of the dream as she came to her senses. she just knew she was terrified. an uneasy feeling filled her bones and left her shaking, tears falling down her face.

"it's okay billie, it was just a bad dream." y/n brushed the hair off of billie's forehead that was damp with sweat. billie attempted to sit up.

y/n moved back the pillow behind her and helped billie sit up, leaning against the headboard. billie pulled her knees up to her chest and started to rock herself.

slowly, y/n brought a hand up to billie's face and wiped away the tears on her cheeks. she leaned forward and kissed her forehead, cupping her face with her hands gently.

y/n pulled billie into her arms and held her there, kissing the top of her head and stroking her hair. she used one hand to wipe the tears off her face again.

they stayed like that for a while. billie hid her face in y/n's shirt and clutched her tightly, almost afraid to let go. she was so scared to lose y/n, because then what would she do in times like this?

"please don't leave." billie sobbed, voice breaking.

"i'm not going anywhere, angel." y/n whispered, kissing the top of her head.

"i love you." billie just whimpered in response.

almost half an hour had passed and billie had calmed down significantly. y/n carefully moved away from her and climbed out of bed and walked around to billie's side. she held out a hand to her.

"come on." she said, a small smile on her face.

"why? where are we going?" billie asked as she took y/n's hand. she rubbed her eyes with her other hand. in the time she had known her, loved her, been right by her side, billie had learned to trust y/n's judgment.

y/n led her out of the apartment, not saying anything.

she pulled her to the end of the hallway, taking billie through a door. she dragged billie up the staircase, then through another door. she used a brick to prop the door open. billie surveyed the rooftop where they stood now. y/n didn't drop her hand, instead reaching her over towards a porch bench up against a concrete wall.

"do you come up here often?" billie asked, sitting down next to y/n.

"yeah. i like to stargaze. they're always so pretty on a clear night. it helps me sort out my thoughts." y/n wrapped an arm around billie's waist. billie found herself leaning into y/n's grasp. she felt safe with    y/n, and always would, she knew it for sure.

billie guessed that y/n came up here while she was asleep, because she had never noticed her gone. billie relaxed into y/n and looked up at the stars.

"why did you bring me up here?" billie asked after staring at the sky for a few minutes. y/n hummed.

"you were freaking out. i always like to come up here to help myself calm down." billie nodded.

"it's nice." billie started searching the sky for constellations.

"there's ursa major." billie said, pointing up to the sky. y/n followed her gaze.

"isn't it also the big dipper?" y/n asked.

"yeah. the tail and back half of the bear make up the big dipper. i thought a smart girl like you would know that." billie's eyebrows furrowed. y/n smiled. (totally didn't look any of that up)

"i did. i just wanted to take your mind off the nightmare." y/n reached down and slid her free hand into billie's. billie bit her lip with hesitation before laying her head on y/n's shoulder.

"why do you like it up here so much?" billie asked.  y/n sighed, then smiled.

"the stars don't judge." billie smiled.

"that's... really poetic." billie laughed.

"it's true. it's quiet and safe, nobody expects anything of you up here. the stars least of all."

billie thought about it for a moment.

"how did you start doing this?"

"back when i lived with my parents. i would climb up onto the roof and just stargaze until i was almost too tired to climb down."

billie moved her hand, resting it on y/n's chest. she tucked her head until y/n's chin.

"tell me about it." y/n took a deep breath and began.

"as a kid, i used to play outside for hours until it was completely dark, and then i would spend even more time in the front yard just staring up at the sky. i told the stars all of my secrets. of course, for an eleven year old, secrets consisted of the boy at school i liked and gossip i heard around the playground, but it was important to me. even now as an adult the sight of the stars still comforts me. the stars listen, and watch over me, and never judge."

y/n squealed and hid her face in her hands.

"i can't believe i just told you that."

"no, no, it was cute!" billie giggled.

"you're adorable." y/n rolled her eyes.

"that's you, baby."

billie blushed at the name. she sat up and grabbed  y/n's face, pulling her into a kiss. she smiled into it, and y/n did the same.

with only the stars and moon as their witnesses, y/n and billie loved each other relentlessly and endlessly. forever and always, this was them. and nothing could stop that, billie decided.

she wouldn't let it.


that was poetic as hellll LMAOOO


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