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the beginning of another day was marked by billie walking into her college's café. it was still early in the morning when the girl entered the end of the line, starting off her day the same way she always did.

billie smiled to herself once she realised her order was going to be taken by her personal favorite barista. she walked up to the register and carried on with a regular interaction, greeting the barista before ordering. as billie was completing the order and was about to say her name, she was interrupted.

"don't tell me!" the barista pointed the marker at the customer in front of her.

"okay." she smiled and raised an eyebrow in a challenging way.

"bi-" she guessed, prolonging the first vowel. by her expression she seemed to be getting it right so far.

"bianca?" she finished with a puzzled expression.

"close enough." she laughed lightly.

"it's billie."

"damn, i was really close." the barista said while looking down at the cup and writing billie's name.

"i should know by now, you come here everyday."

"it's okay." billie shrugged, smiling politely.

"that will be $4.27." the other woman continued the regular interaction.

billie paid and left with a mumbled "bye", stopping further down the counter to wait for her coffee. she pulled her phone from her pocket and started mindlessly scrolling through her instagram until her name was called.

"billie?" another barista called, startling the customer a little.

she reached for the coffee, thanking the person who handed it to her before stopping to look at the cup. billie seemed to have her order taken by the same barista six out of ten times she went to that café and she always added something other than just her name. it was honestly the highlight of her day.

she smiled when she saw a 'good morning!' written under her name and glanced at the barista from her position, trying to sneakily watch her take the other customer's order. billie couldn't help it, the barista was nice and cute, she had to admit that she had developed a small crush on her.

it was slightly embarrassing, billie always went to that café in hopes of seeing the cute barista even though she knew she was probably just another customer to her. but it was a nice start to her day, plus the coffee was actually really good. billie's morning routine consisted of going to the café as soon as she got into campus to have a little boost for a day full of classes ahead of her.

she sighed when the fact that she had classes came to her mind, snapping out of her little trance and making her leave the café to head to her first lecture of what was going to be a long day.


"billie!" the same barista said with a huge smile the next day when billie was finishing her order.

"you got it." she laughed lightly.

"yes!" the other woman said quietly, making a little victory gesture with her free arm.

billie decided there was no harm in trying to invest a little bit more in their conversation, maybe something good could come out of it.

"i'm assuming you're not yoda?" billie said pointing at y/n's nametag. (in some cafes they have little drawings next to their name)

"what do you mean?" the barista said with a straight face.

"uh-" billie mentally face palmed herself, she knew there were some weird names out there but how was she supposed to guess someone would actually name their child yoda?

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