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i opened my eyes and tried to peer into the darkness of the room. i knew i was awake, but i wasn't sure what had woken me up. i heard a whimper from the other side of the bed.


i didn't receive an answer. i blindly reached out for her. when my hand touched her skin, she flinched and cried out.

fully awake and alert now, i bolted upright and reached out to turn on the light. my fingers fumbled with the switch and i grew more worried as billie's cries continued. to my relief, the light finally flickered on and i could see billie.

the sheets were tangled all around her, tears ran down her face, her hair was a mess as she violently tossed her head and cried out, begging for someone to stop.

fear gripped my chest. i'd never seen her like this. i grasped her shoulder and shook as hard as i dared.

"bil!" i called.

"billie, wake up!"

her eyes flew open and she shot into a sitting position, panting and rubbing her neck. tears streamed down her face and quiet sobs racked her small body.

"hey, what is it? what happened, angel?" i asked, placing a hand on her shoulder. she could only shake her head and continue crying. i held open my arms and she crawled into me, grabbing fistfuls of my shirt and burying her face into the crook of my neck. i wrapped my arms around her and stroked her hair.

"shhh, you're alright. it was just a dream. you're okay now." i murmured.

i don't know how much time passed before billie started to calm down, but slowly her sobs quieted and her tears stopped. she pulled away from me, wiping the tear tracks off her face.

"thank you." she sniffled.

"do you want to talk about it?" i asked. billie hesitated for a second.

"it was him." i heard the pure venom in her voice and instantly knew who she meant. she's been having nightmares about this one guy. we don't know who he is but she always has nightmares about him.

"what happened in your dream? did he kill you again?" she nodded.

"he did. but first he...he tortured you, and killed you." her voice broke.

"and he made me watch. and then he tortured and killed me."

my breath caught in my throat. that was horrible! i couldn't imagine having nightmares about the same person.

"i'm so sorry, bil." i said. billie shook her head.

"you have nothing to apologize for."

"i know, but i just wish there was something i could do to help you." i sighed.

"you have helped me. you held me and comforted me. that's all you can do." billie said, taking my hand. a thought passed through your mind.

"that's not all i can do." you said, looking billie directly in her eyes, still red from crying.

"i can make you a promise: he won't hurt you. he can't hurt me or you. you're safe with me." billie gave me a small smile.

"that made me feel a bit better." she admitted. i returned her smile.

"good. do you wanna try going back to sleep, or do you want to do something else?" i checked the time.

"the sun will be up pretty soon." billie bit her lip in thought.

"we can go back to bed."

"are you sure?"

"yes. you're here with me, so i'll be fine." she said.

"okay, let's try to get some more sleep."

the two of us laid back down and i reached out to shut off the light. the room was lighter than it had been when i first opened my eyes. billie curled into me, laying her head on my chest and listening to my heartbeat. i wrapped my arms around her, silently letting her know she was safe and cared for. the first rays of the morning were just slipping through the window as the two of us drifted off to sleep.


6 more days till i start school 🧍‍♀️

im gonna cry


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