sneaking around ❗️

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billies outfit is above

pretend bil owns a club

billie: dom
y/n: sub

"you shouldn't be back here." billie's eyes were fiery as i realized i'd been caught.

i was at her club, sneaking onto the stage and behind the curtain in a fit of courageous stupidity. no one was allowed back here when there wasn't a performance, but i couldn't help myself this time. i hadn't expected billie to find me, since i hadn't seen her all night.

hesitating, i looked between the exit and billie, wondering if i should make a run for it. instead, i puffed my chest out and crossed my arms.

"who says so?" i said, my nose high in the air. the blonde rolled her eyes and took a step forward. i took one back. i could feel the curtain behind me. the music was muffled, but still not quiet.

"i say so. you know, the owner?"

"oh, you're the owner huh? hadn't noticed." i quipped, trying to get on her nerves so i could make a break for it. her nostrils flared. i took a step to the side, not wanting to fall back in the curtain and onto the stage.

"not so fast, smartypants." she growled. a hand shot out to grasp my wrist and she pulled me close.

"why are you back here?" my eyes stayed on the ground.

"y/n." she ordered sharply. i shrugged.

"wanted to see what was back here." i mumbled.

"even though it's not allowed?"

"cmon, billie, we're friends. plus aren't you always the one that says rules are meant to be broken?" i smirked. after a few seconds billie spoke up.

"tell you what. i'll let this one pass. you'll be free to go." i lit up.

"oh, thanks, bil, i-."

"after your punishment."


"you heard me. come on."

"billie i'm not a child-."

a sharp tug on my wrist and i was suddenly pressed up against her. soft lips traced my neck up to my ear and i forget how to breathe.

"then stop acting like one." she whispered, chuckling as i visibly shivered.

"you like this?" her hands trailed up my arms and i squeaked as teeth nibbled my earlobe.


"want me to stop?" she asked.


"no, what?" my ears became hot.

"no, mommy."

"good girl. come on." she led me further back to the wings of the stage. there were dim lights that flickered on as we walked by. the bass of the music drummed in my ears.

it was a little quieter here. the concrete wall was cold against my back as billie led me to press up against it.

"now, this usually isn't the most ideal place for punishment but it'll have to do." billie said. noises came from further backstage, the sound of assistants and stagehands working. billie chuckled as i blushed, fear of being found suddenly hitting me.

daddy; B.E. imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now