Uncharted Consequences

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The outright declaration of a woman as the guilty was met with an overall air of varied scepticism and plausible conspiratorial speculations from the Royal Court

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The outright declaration of a woman as the guilty was met with an overall air of varied scepticism and plausible conspiratorial speculations from the Royal Court.

The ministers- still very few compared to the old courts of Hastinapur and flourishing assembly of Dwarka- seemed divided on the new development. Some faces showed disappointment for being kept out of the loop while others nurtured caution. Sensing the rising tension, Maharaj Yudhisthir spoke in his ever calm demeanour, "Before we proceed to the questioning, it is most important that everyone is made aware of the undisclosed mission carried out by Rajkumar Arjun and Rajkumar Nakul. I would like Rajkumar Arjun to deliver his report."

Savyasachi bowed in deference. Clearing his throat, he said in an even tone, "The plan laid out by Chief Advisor Rajkumar Sahadev and myself was made to run it's course upon the affirmation of both Maharaj as well as Yuvraj. The mission had three phases - The first was carried out by Rajkumari Abhijishya's trusted attendant Charu. Today, after the incident, an immediate lockdown was ordered with exclusive instructions to all residents to not leave the palace premises. All palace gates were closed and guarded by soldiers under the supervision of Rajkumar Sahadev."

He paused letting a small smile slip on his professional face which was returned by Sahadev, sitting at the left of Maharaj's throne, when their eyes met. The smile vanished as smoothly as it had appeared. Arjun continued, "Attendent Charu as instructed by Rajkumar Nakul," he nodded at his companion, "spread the word about a small troop that would depart from the palace right before sunset during which the western exit gate would be opened. After she completed the task and reported back to Rajkumar Sahadev, the second phase began under the supervision of Yuvraj Bheem," Bheem nodded in acknowledgement of his name being mentioned.

"He questioned all the chefs and maids assigned the kitchen duties. A common but vague description of an out of place veiled woman was obtained from five maids and chefs including the Royal head Chef. Then Yuvraj ordered the arrest of attendant Parnika and officially declared that she was to be presented in the Royal court at the evening session which successfully wrapped the real culprit in a false sense of security as intended. Further, under Rajkumar Nakul's instruction Attendant Parnika held up the ruse by consciously prolonging her own questioning while allowing myself and Rajkumar Nakul more time to complete the final phase."

Abhijishya stared slightly open mouthed as Parnika arose from her position, wiped her tears and graciously bow to Maharaj while the later flashed her a tiny grateful smile. She tuned in back to Arjun's report.

"The third phase began shortly before sunset. Rajkumar Nakul had taken position at the base of the western gate while I was situated at the top of the archway of the gate. The troop which was falsely scheduled to be departed also gathered according to the plan. A peculiarly armoured person was spotted as soon as the gates were slowly being lowered. Rajkumar Nakul engaged the suspect in combat who was swiftly unarmed. Upon the revelation of the culprit, they were identical to all the descriptions provided and thus, was taken under custody. The western gate was closed soon after. As ordered, Rajkumar Nakul and I have brought in the culprit before His Majesty and the Royal court," Arjun's words caused another wave of whispers run around the assembled people.

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