Looming Troubles

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Suyodhana walked angrily inside Gandharraj's room.

"Parihar (Leave us alone)," he barked out.

"How can you sit down calmly and play dice Mamashree?!" He shouted in anger.

"Everytime... everytime those Pandavs always somehow manage to get saved from our schemes. HOW MANY DAYS DO I HAVE TO WATCH THAT YUDHISTHIR WALK AROUND AS THE YUVRAJ?!?!" He shouted.

"Shant, mere bachche, shant (calm down, my child, calm down). In politics, you cannot climb the ladder so quickly. Be patient," Shakuni said without even looking as Suyodhana.

"Mamashree, I have been patient. I cannot tolerate this anymore," Suyodhana huffed in anger.

"That temper of yours makes your brain useless. I have arranged everything in Varnavat. We just need to wait. But what we need to think about is the girl that Arjun showed up with," Shakuni said with a thoughtful look on his face.

"I heard Arjun and Nakul found her in the forest. How does that even concern us? We don't even know where she hails from or what caste she belongs to. I don't understand why are you even bothering with that girl instead of trying to get those Pandavs to Varnavat," Suyodhana said as he sat down opposite to Shakuni.

Shakuni looked up and said," And hence it is proved that what I said earlier is right. Leave the thinking to me. Just heed my words and the Pandavs will be removed from our path forever."

"I am thinking what does the abrupt arrival of that girl mean for us. Arjun and Nakul saved her life so she will be indebted to them. If she hails from a royal family then the Pandavs could gain an ally. And even if she is not, we do not know what are her capabilities,"said Shakuni absentmindedly taping his fingers on his knee.

"Tch. If that girl is not from a royal family, what is even her worth. You think too much Mamashree," Suyodhana chuckled.

"Ever heard of Maharani Satyavati? She had singlehandedly turned the Kurukul in disarray. For her only, Hastinapur is protected by the impenetrable wall of Bhisma," Shakuni sneered and grit out bitterly.

"Whatever you say, Mamashree. But I think we should concern ourselves with the destruction of those arrogant Pandavs and making me Yuvraj," Suyodhana proclaimed.

"Hmm. We have to just wait till the Pandavs go to Varnavat on their own account. If we try to insist too much, that Arjun or Sahadev will become suspicious. So have patience. And one last thing, I want news on the girl. Knowing your potential enemy is always important," Shakuni grinned while caressing his beard with an evil glint in his eyes.

"Yes Mamashree. Pranipaat," Suyodhana said and left his chambers mentally preparing for another day of kissing Yudhisthir's feet. If he could then he would've thrown those Pandavs in the wax building himself and lit it on fire.


Kunti left the unknown girl under the care of Rajvydas' wife. The girl was too thin for her likes with those strange clothes on her. Her hair was chopped unevenly too. Who knows what the poor girl had gone through. Her heart ached.

Last night she remained by her side. Maharani Gandhari had come in earlier to check up on the girl and insisted Kunti go freshen up.

The palace was still reeling from the news that Suyodhana had promised Dussala's hand in marriage to Sindhuraj Jayadrath.

Kunti felt worried about Yudhisthir having to experience the brunt of the situation.

She quickly bathed and did aarti to Narayan. Rajvyda's wife had said that the girl will wake up by noon. It was her duty to stay beside the girl.

She entered the dining place to see her sons already waiting for her. No matter how much she insisted them to eat at their convenience, they would always wait for her and made sure to eat together atleast one meal a day. Seeing their immense love for her never failed to moisten her eyes.

Upon noticing Mata Kunti, Yudhisthir got up. His brothers followed him. They came forward and touched her feet together.

"Pranipaat Mata," her sons greeted.

"Kalyan ho putro, kalyan ho," Kunti smiled and blessed them.

"Come sit with us Mata," Bheem said gently pulling her along.

"Not today putra. I just came to see whether you all have properly eaten or not. I must attend to our guest. Rajvydaji said she should be awake by noon. So I have decided that I will have some food in there," Kunti said.

"Then we will also join you Mata," Sahadev said.

Nakul nodded in agreement. Bheem and Arjun voiced their agreement too.

"Shyama karna Mata (Forgive me mother) but Kakashree and Pitamaah expect me to join them in a discussion session of the political repercussions due to Dussala's marriage to Sindhuraj," Yudhisthir said with joined hands.

"Of course putra. But make sure to eat something before you attend your duties," Kunti smiled.

Kunti asked 3 dasis to help carry the food. Mother and her sons chatted in an amiable manner while they strolled to their mysterious guest's room.

A.N. - I know you all are eagerly waiting for Abhijishya to wake up but including that her was making this chapter very long. So I decided to keep this short. Next chapter you'll get to see Abhijishya awake. FINALLY.

And once more, please suggest who should Abhijishya be in love with/get married too because I can't decide.

Please vote and comment if you liked this chapter. Next chapter will be up soon.

Until then,

Byeee ;')

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