Tainted, Told and Twigs

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'Life is about suffering. There is no escape from it. That is the truth. What is important is how we deal with suffering; how we deal with the truth.'

It was nearing sunset when Abhijishya sought out Krishna voluntarily. He hadn't come to visit her after everyone was informed that she had woken up.

She also hadn't spoken to Nakul regarding what caused her sudden two day long sleep. Abhijishya didn't want to tell him; not atleast until she had spoken to Krishna.

She also wanted answers from him regarding everything. Her body was weak so she walked slowly towards where he was swinging gently in the Royal garden.

Nakul wanted to come along but she had clearly told him that this conversation was only meant for her brother Krishna and her. He had conceded then.

"Come sit beside me, sister," Krishna said with a smile.

Abhijishya didn't say anything. She sat down on the swing.

"I didn't come see you earlier because I wasn't sure whether my presence would be welcome or not," he said looking at her.

Abhijishya asked,"And why would you assume so?"

"You are angry," Krishna said.

"Perhaps I am, perhaps I am not. But that doesn't really matter now, does it? Even I am not sure what exactly I am feeling," Abhijishya said. There was an underlying resignation in her tone.

"Sister," Krishna said in a pained voice.

"Then there is my husband. He doesn't even know what happened to me. He has been infinitely patient towards me despite my choice to remain silent. What do I even tell him when I myself do not understand why this happened to me?" Abhijishya's voice quivered. She bit her lip to keep herself from crying.

"Tell him what you want to," Krishna replied. He knew the questions that were haunting Abhijishya. Why did he not warn her about the visions? Why did he not do anything when his sister took such a drastic step?

Abhijishya didn't even glance at him. "I did not want to interfere when Devi Ekanamsha had chosen to show herself and speak to you," he said.

"You did not want to interfere because it doesn't concern your grand plan of establishing dharma you mean," she said sharply.

Krishna neither accepted nor denied her claim. Instead he said,"You deserve the truth after what you have endured. Tell me Abhijishya, do you know the mantra of Devi Ekanamsha?"

Abhijishya looked at him in confusion. "I- What? No, I don't know."

"Then how did you perform aarti?" he asked.

"I- I just took the aarti thali from Mata and started...," she became silent.

"Started what?" Krishna asked calmly.

"I- I did aarti and I said something?" she looked at him helplessly. "I don't know," she whispered. "But Mata Devaki and others said that I chanted the mantra of Devi Ekanamsha. How is that possible? I didn't even know who Devi Ekanamsha was a few days ago, much less her mantra," she asked.

"Your mind is not aware of the real form of your soul. Your utterance of her name drew Devi Ekanamsha from her mortal body where she was supposed to remain dormant. You carry the three gunas in harmony, a feat not even achieved by primodial deities," Krishna said.

Shock was only the upper layer of the emotions she felt upon hearing Krishna's words. "What are saying, Gopal? Gunas? What gunas?"

"Gunas are the attribute, quality or peculiarity that is present in every living form. There are three gunas : sattva which means goodness, constructive, harmonious; rajas which means passion, active, confused and tamas meaning darkness, destructive, chaotic. Brahma Dev bears rajas primarily, Narayan bears sattvas and Mahadev tamas. Owing to their role in creating, preserving and destroying the cosmos and to keep the Time flowing, one attribute has become principle in them while the other two gunas become dormant. Only Adi Para Shakti Devi interchanges the three gunas within her according to which form she chooses to remain in. That is why she exists in multiple forms. In Devi Kali, her tamas becomes predominant while in Devi Annapurna, her sattvas becomes principle. Again as Sati she is the embodiment of rajas. Yet your existance is the evidence that the three gunas can remain in harmony; neither more dominant over the others," Krishna explained looking thoughtful.

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