Unravelling Ruses

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Abhijishya dragged her exhausted self to the bathing room. She was running late. After a quick bath, she put on the clothes she had chosen yesterday.

 After a quick bath, she put on the clothes she had chosen yesterday

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She joined everyone in front of the main entrance. They went to the nearby Shiv temple for puja. The entire temple was beautifully decorated with various flowers and rangolis. The Brahmin pandit chanted mantras. Kunti and the Pandavs held a gold kalash (pitcher pot) of milk over the Shiva linga.

"Putri Abhijishya, why are you standing so far? Come, join us," Kunti said.

Abhijishya smiled and joined them. They poured milk over the Shiva linga.

'Protect us all, Bhagwan.' she prayed.

After the puja was over, Mata Kunti distributed clothes, food and money among the needy.

Abhijishya noticed Purochan's wife slowly slipping away from the group. Everyone seemed to be busy. So she decided to follow her.

Purochan's wife was going towards the kitchen of the mansion. How could she walk so fast barefoot was beyond Abhijishya.

At first, she thought probably she was wrong in her assumption that Purochan's wife was upto something. But all her doubts were cleared when Purochan's wife kept glancing backwards as if checking whether anyone was following her or not.

Thank God for trees. Abhijishya ducked behind trees to avoid being seen.

Wait. Purochan's wife crossed the kitchen and was going to towards the forest. 'What is she even up to?'

She moved into the forest. Abhijishya also followed. Purochan's wife was collecting something from a bush. She moved closer to get a better look at what she was collecting. A twig snapped under her foot.


Abhijishya moved behind a tree.

"Who... who is there?"asked Purochan's wife in a slight trembling voice.

Abhijishya picked up a small pebble and threw it in another direction.

Purochan's wife looked in the direction where the pebble landed.

'Ha! Really works like they show in the movies.'

"Swami? Is that you?" Purochan's wife called out.

Abhijishya took this time to climb up the tree she had hidden behind. Her green lehenga would be more or less a good camouflage. A few birds startled, screeched at her and flew away.

Purochan's wife, finding no one around ,made her away towards the mansion. After she was gone a safe distance away, Abhijishya slowly climbed down the tree.

She went to the bush from which Purochan's wife had collected something. But what?

She examined it carefully. Nothing was out of the ordinary about it. There were some vines and leafy shrub like plants. Some red bead like seeds caught her eye. She turned back to find Purochan's wife gone.

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