Price of Secrets

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"Mother!" her eldest son stood at the doorway looking aghast.

"What happened brother?"called out her sons waiting outside the hut.

Getting no answer from their eldest brother, they shuffled towards thier Mother. The sight of their mother cradling an unmoving bloody lump in her arms greeted them.

"What fate has befallen you, Oh Mother! You have been pious and dedicated throughtout your life. What did you deserve to hold this disfigured dead flesh in your arms?" the eldest said brokenly.

She paid him no mind. Clutching her youngest to her bosom, she said to her babe," You shall live, my dear. I shall shape you myself. From this broken shell, you shall emerge as the brightest of them all."

"Mother," her eldest whispered as he reached out for her.

Abhijishya woke up grasping for her child. Her hands curled around thin air as her lips parted to call out a familiar name. Only a breath escaped as her mind fought to cling on to the rapidly fading features of her children. Closing her eyes, she leaned back against the swing trying to figure out the sudden yearning she was feeling.

Abhijishya remained silently swaying in the swing for sometime. The cold morning wind caused her skin to break out in goosebumps. Her stiff neck made it clear that she had fallen asleep on the balcony swing after Charu's visit.

She looked blearily at the slowly lightening sky. Dawn was near. Abhijishya got up from the swing. It was going to be a busy day ahead. There was no time to ponder on strange dreams. Gopal had said her mind is ignorant to the reality of her essence.

'It would be great if my mind and my essence have a meeting sometime soon. Preferably before I lose my sanity,' she scoffed at her thoughts.

Rubbing her face, she walked sedately to her chambers. The dream had unsettled her and evoked unexplainable emotions. The people she saw felt too familiar. It was as if the answers were within her but just beyond reach.

She shivered at the cold breeze and quickened her pace. Her mind still resonated with the call of her son from her dream.


Abhijishya had expected to see her husband in bed sleeping soundly. Instead, Nakul stood in front of the mirror putting on accessories looking freshly bathed. He looked much better than the man she had seen yesterday.

Nakul caught sight of Mohini's reflection on the mirror. Their eyes met and a smile bloomed on both faces.

"Isn't it a bit too early to be all dressed up for the day?" Abhijishya walked closer to Nakul and picked up the aangavastra. Her deft hands put it around Nakul with practiced ease.

"I am tired of staying in bed," Nakul flexed his right hand and made a fist. "We will be leaving Hastinapur in a few days. I should help my brothers in the preparations. Morever, my hand has healed completely."

The minuscule wince along with the spasm of his branchioradialis did not go unnoticed. Abhijishya gently uncurled his fingers and pressed on his forearm to ease the muscles. The wound was healing nicely but Nakul's grip was weaker than before.

"I am sure I need not tell you that straining your hand will have adverse effects and prolong the recovery period," Abhijishya remarked. His lips twitched and formed the familiar fond smile.

Nakul put his arm around her waist and pulled her closer. "I know. I promise I won't do anything strenuous. Just don't tell me I have to spend another stay in bed," he implored. Abhijishya smiled in amusement.

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