Sworn Words and Shattering Souls

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The Pandavs, Kunti and Abhijishya arrived near the palace gates of Kampilya when arrows fell just before their feet, stopping them from proceeding any further. They were immediately surrounded by armed soldiers.

Bheem stood slightly in front of Mata Kunti in a protective manner. Nakul stepped closer to Abhijishya.

Maharaja Drupad and Rajkumar Dhristadymna stood before them with their bows.

"How dare you show your faces in Kampilya!!" Drupad shouted in anger. "After insulting my daughter, you shouldn't get any place in entire Aryavart, much less Kampilya." He held his bow and summoned an arrow.

Abhijishya stepped forward in front of the Pandavs. "Maharaj Drupad, should you not find out the identity of these people before you release your arrow?" she said calmly.

"Why should I care about their identities? They are devilish Brahmins who have dared to insult and dishonor my beloved daughter," he yelled.

"You might think otherwise once you learn of their true identities. These are none other than the sons of Maharaj Pandu, Princes of Hastinapur," she then gestured towards Kunti and said," And this is their mother, wife of late Maharaj Pandu, Devi Kunti."

Drupad and Dhristadymna looked baffled. But Maharaj quickly recovered and sneered," What rubbish are you going on about, girl? Why should I believe the words of you who hasn't even introduced herself?"

"You can ask Vasudev Krishna for confirmation then," she turned towards Krishna and greeted," Pranipaat."

Krishna nodded his head and smiled at her. "You have been sorely missed, Abhijishya."

She sent a strained smile his way and inclined her head. " I too missed you sometimes."

Krishna smiled then turned towards Drupad. "Maharaj Drupad, I assure you that my sakhi Abhijishya is speaking the truth. These are indeed the Pandavs and the one around whose neck Draupadi put the garland is none other than Arjun whom you wanted as your son-in-law."

"It still doesn't change anything, Vasudev. Surely they must have come to Panchal with the thought of ridiculing and insulting us," he accused. "And here I thought they are the carriers of Dharma. My daughter put faith in Arjun and put the garland around his neck but she got a lifetime of sorrow and tears from him."

"Bhagwan has decided this. They are simply the medium, Maharaj Drupad," Krishna said calmly.

"It doesn't matter whether they are right or wrong, Vasudev. My daughter's life is filled with sorrow because of them. Now, whether my daughter marries them or remains a maiden life long, she will be insulted and looked down upon her entire life. It is all their fault," Drupad shouted but his cracking voice gave away his pain. He,once again, summoned another arrow.

Arjun looled agitated. His finger curled and uncurled as if wanting to bring out his own bow but he remained silent.

"They are not, Maharaj. You are the reason," Krishna said seriously. "During Draupadi's birth, what kind of future did you ask for, Maharaj? Do you remember?"

It was eerie to see the serious look on Krishna's ever smiling face.

Drupad's hands trembled. He gritted his teeth and shouted as he released the arrow in the sky above. The arrow exploded causing clouds to emerge which emitted thunder and lightning.

"Children always have to face the consequences of their parent's action, Maharaj. You cannot plant a neem sapling and expect mangoes from the same tree. Draupadi will get all the sorrows, injustice and misfortune you asked for her," Krishna said solemnly.

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