Dwarka Beckons

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"Really? This is too much. We are only visiting for a fortnight. No. No. Not that. Draupadi jiji," Abhijishya sat down with an exasperated sigh after running behind Draupadi who was fully intent on packing her clothes.

"15 days, Dhruvi, 15 days. These clothes and accessories are not enough. Dasi, go bring me those jewelleries I had asked the jeweller to bring yesterday," Draupadi said while arranging Abhijishya's clothes.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Abhijishya whined. "I can't manage so many clothes. What if I loose all these jewelleries? Wait. No. I don't need anymore clothes. I know we will be gone 15 days but that doesn't mean you have to pack 30 lehengas and 30 different sets of jewellery."

Draupadi chuckled. "That is why you have dasis with you. They will take care of clothes and accessories. I have only packed 25 lehengas." She looked with concern at the heap of clothes. "I think I should add 5 more. Do you think it will be enough?"

Abhijishya got up alarmed. "If you add anymore things, I'll have to ask Maharaj Drupad to let me borrow an elephant for carrying my things."

She stepped beside Draupadi and implored," Jiji, please reconsider. Let us bargain. Say I take 10 lehengas and 10 jewellery sets. How about that? That will be more than enough."

"No no. That is too less. I cannot allow you to leave with only 10. 25 lehengas and 25 different sets. That will be enough I guess," Draupadi said.

"What is going on here?" asked an amused Nakul who just entered Abhijishya's chambers.

Abhijishya immediately went to him hoping for some support. "Nakuuuul, you must stop this madness. This is all too much. Draupadi jiji is packing 25 clothes and accessories for our visit. Say something."

Nakul smiled in amusement. "Oh? Is that so? And how many do you think will be enough?"

"12 lehengas and 12 different sets of jewellery will be more than enough," Abhijishya said.

"12? No. You could manage with 20. Not any less," Draupadi protested. Then she glanced at Nakul and immediately her eyes were downcast.

"Arya," she said softly.

Nakul shifted awkwardly and stiffly acknowledged," Panchali."

There was a moment of silence. Abhijishya looked between the two of them. Nakul's reluctance and Panchali's hesitance made up a nice stifling awkwardness which she refused to be a part of.

"14," she announced.

"Huh?" Draupadi made a questioning sound.

"14 lehengas and 14 different sets of jewellery. No more," Abhijishya stated.

"18," Draupadi said.

Nakul intervened,"All right. All right. How about 15? 15 days so 15 outfits. And you still haven't put them in the trunks?! Vasudev is ready to leave."

"Help me?" Abhijishya pleaded a little.

"Fine," Nakul smiled. He couldn't really deny her anything.

Draupadi watched the pair in fascination. Arya Nakul and Dhruvi seemed to always gravitate around each other. She always thought Dhruvi to be only serious, wise and kind but the more she spent time with her Dhruvi became more playful. It was endearing. Arya Nakul appeared more free and happy around her. She wished her bond with her five husbands would be similar to Arya Nakul and Dhruvi's bond one day.

"Jiji, help us," Abhijishya pouted. "If we pack at this pace, my poor Gopal will have to wait till tomorrow sunrise."

Draupadi smiled and helped them pack Abhijishya's clothes. Generally dasis would do this but Abhijishya insisted on doing it on her own.

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