The Journey Continues

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The Pandavs were resting a little way off from the banks of River Saraswati. They truly looked like sages with their long slightly matted hair and beards. Abhijishya had brought along the wooden comb and combed her hair thrice a day because she certainly didn't want dreadlocks.

The mood was still somber due to their recent departure from Kamyaka Forest. The air was also tense between them as no one addressed the elephant in the room : Nakul's sudden marriage proposal. However indirect and improperly delivered, it was what it was.

Abhijishya was trying to untangle the mess of her emotions and thoughts so she didn't mention it. Nakul thought of Abhijishya's silence on the matter to be her lack of affection for him and was moping.

Arjun, Sahadev and Yudhisthir couldn't figure out how to handle the situation. Kunti wanted Nakul and Abhijishya to come clean with their affection for each other to her so she was waiting. Bheem was unusually silent regarding everything.

"Where are we heading?" asked Abhijishya carving a piece of wood with her knife.

"Earlier Nakul noticed a huge flock of birds were flying to the east. There should be a village or town. So, we are heading eastwards," said Yudhisthir.

Abhijishya nodded and went back to carving.

The silence was stifling. Generally, Nakul and Abhijishya gravitated towards each other. The past two days Abhijishya didn't even glance at Nakul properly once. Her usual chatter, playful jokes and discussion on various topics were absent. She had retracted within herself.

After five more days of agonising silence from Abhijishya, Arjun was the first one to crack.

"Talk to her," he simply said.

"What?" Nakul asked.

"I said talk to her. We both know that the way you indirectly indicated your wish to marry her was inappropriate. So, go fix this. Whatever it is. She isn't even talking to the rest of us," Arjun said.

"Bhrata-" Nakul was interrupted.

"Jyesth, Nakul will be going with Abhijishya," Arjun said.

Yudhisthir nodded understanding Arjun's purpose of saying so.


Abhijishya had taken it upon herself to collect berries from the nearby bushes. Nakul walked behind her.

She made no effort to small talk and simply started picking berries.

Nothing in his twelve years of training under Gurudev had prepared Nakul for this. He was nervous and half scared his love would be thrown back at his face. Maybe she was angry at his improper proposal.

He was slowly withering in this uncertainty so he squared his shoulders and braced himself.

"You haven't taken off my necklace," he said looking at her.

Abhijishya paused in her movements momentarily but continued. "Do I have a reason to?"

"I- maybe. I- I don't know," he stammered out. He cleared his throat. "Please forgive me," he said.

"For what?" Abhijishya asked.

"For- you are asking for what?" Her indifference was cutting him like glass shards. He clenched his fist and took a calming breath.

Abhijishya remained silent.

"It just came out of my mouth. I am sorry that I spoke of my wish to marry you so abruptly in front of everyone but- but I am not apologising for wishing to make you mine," Nakul said.

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