Salvation in Shyam

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श्रीकृष्ण और सम्मानित यादवकुल को प्रणाम ,

मैं एक लड़की हूँ जो अनजाने में घर से बहुत दूर आ गई है। मैं वर्तमान में माँ कुंती की देखरेख में हस्तिनापुर महल में निवास कर रही हूँ। हे कृष्ण, मैं आपसे विनती करती हूं कि मुझे मेरे परिवार के पास वापस जाने में मेरी मदद करें। मैं हमेशा आभारी रहूंगी।

आशा के साथ,

{Greetings to Shree Krishna and the esteemed Yadavkul,

I am a girl who has unknowingly come too far from home. I am currently residing in Hastinapur palace under the care of Mother Kunti. Hey Krishna, I beg you to come and help me in returning to my family. I shall remain forever grateful.

With hope,

Her hindi was alright. It was her third language, English being second and Bengali her mother tongue. She knew Shree Krishna already knew about her circumstance. Since he didn't come voluntarily, Abhijishya thought perhaps he was waiting for her to contact first. She ignored the little voice that said perhaps God had foresaken her as she was born in kaliyug.

First thing tomorrow morning she will give the letter to any one of the Pandavs so that it could be sent to Dwarka as soon as possible.

She rolled up the letter and kept it by her bedside. Then she undid her hair. Every night her Maa would comb and braid her hair. Her eyes watered as she used her fingers to untangle her hair.

She would probably be fighting with her little sister over the T.V. remote at this time back home. Baba would wait for them to argue and sneak the remote himself and watching news. Then her sister and she would pester their Baba till he gave in.

And here she was, stuck in this stupid era, not understanding what people were saying. She cried because she was scared. Scared of this uncertainty, scared of being forsaken by Krishna, scared because she didn't know how long the Pandavs would let her stay.

Finally she felt drained and lost her battle against sleep.


Abhijishya woke up to the calls of "Rajatithi" by dasis.

She squinted and slowly got up. Oh. She was in Dvapar yug. Not home.

She sighed. From the faint light coming from outside she realised it was nearing sunrise. She fell back with a groan. 'Why would anyone with a sane mind wake up now??!!!!'

The dasi kept saying something to her. She sat up with a huff.

"Rajmata Kunti has asked you to accompany her for arti of Bhagwan Narayan," dasi said.

Abhijishya quickly got off the bed and went towards the bathroom. She brushed her teeth with a twig of neem tree and bathed. She wore the clothes that were laid out for her.

 She wore the clothes that were laid out for her

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