Sweet Surprises

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"How are you Abhijishya? Are you feeling well?"asked Satyabhama.

"Yes, Bhabishree. I am fine," Abhijishya smiled. They just finished having lunch. Nakul once again had gone off somewhere after telling her that his discussion with Yuyudhana was not complete.

"Good," Satyabhama took her hand and pulled her along. "Because we are having the contest now."

Abhijishya asked in confusion," Contest?"

"Don't tell us you forgot. It was decided that you and jiji would have a contest of your aiming skills. You with your dagger throwing and jiji with her archery," Jambavati said.

"Maybe she forgot, Jambavati. Afterall, last few days were not easy on her," Rukmini said.

"Oh, right. I did forget. But I don't mind having the contest now," Abhijishya said. "Where are Bhabishree Revati and Mata Rohini? They were not at lunch today."

"Revati is feeling under the weather. Rohini didi decided to stay with her," Mata Devaki said. "You all be careful," she cautioned them.

"Yes, Mata. Don't worry. It is not like we are sparring. Arya should be waiting for us near the arena. You all proceed. I must go fetch my bow," Satyabhama said and took leave.

They walked through the corridors. Now that Abhijishya had the leisure to properly look around, she found herself awed at the splendour. Everything was constructed with silver and crystals. Emeralds, pearls and sapphires were embedded into the sculptures of figurines into the wall. There were scenes from the tales of the previous incarnations of Lord Narayan,of Adi Shesha and Yogmaya, of Shakti as Sati, Parvati and Kali, of Mahadev and other Gods and Goddesseses.

"All of this was built in one day?" Abhijishya couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, Dev Vishwakarman himself built this in one day mentally. Praise be to him that he graced us with a home," Maa Devaki said joining her hands.

'And all of this will be lost to sea,' she thought sadly.

They came out in the courtyard. The sun was shining brightly in the sky but the sea breeze kept the atmosphere pleasant.

Krishna was standing a little distance away. "Yes, that is enough,"he said loudly.

Abhijishya looked at the direction he was facing. Two logs of wood with target circles drawn were set up an estimated 50 feet away.

"Arya, we are here," Rukmini said. Krishna turned towards them and sighed dramatically. "Finally! I've been waiting for all of you so long. You all were taking your own sweet time and here I am doing all the hard work under this hot sun."

Mata Devaki looked concerned. "Are you alright, putra? You should not have stood so long under the sun then. We can have this contest later."

"No need to cancel the contest Mata," he said as he put an arm around Mata Devaki's shoulder. "All my fatigue would be gone if only there was some cool makhan,"he said in a suggestive tone.

Mata Devaki glared at him. "Oh, so this is about makhan again. No, Krishna. I was informed once again that two pots went missing yesterday. I know very well it is your work. I have forbidden everyone to let you have makhan."

"Mataaa," Krishna said with an innocent look. Mata Devaki shook her head trying not to smile. He sighed then looked at Rukmini, Jambavati hopefully.

"Surely my loving wives are on my side. You'll get me makhan, won't you?"he said.

"Not happening Arya. Mata said if we get makhan for you, we will have to make twice the amount we gave to you," said Satyabhama who just arrived with her bow.

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