Calculated Conversations and Conspiracy

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Abhijishya walked leisurely down the corridors after lunch towards her chambers. Mata Kunti wanted to spend some time with Jyesth Mata along with Draupadi.

"Jiji would want to get to know you, putri Draupadi. Accompany me to the Shiv temple. She will be busy making arrangement for Sandhyapujan (prayers offered during dusk)," Kunti smiled. Then she looked at her,"Putri Abhijishya has been too busy dealing with everything. After what happened today in the court... I am sure putra Nakul would love to spend some time with you." The smile remained plastered on her face.

Mata Kunti had clearly implied she didn't want her to go with them. Abhijishya didn't know what to think of that. After returning from Dwarka, she had felt some sort of instability in her relationship with Kunti. She just hoped her mother-in-law would come clear some day soon and tell her what she didn't approve of. Abhijishya couldn't find it within herself to try different ways to appease and please Kunti for some mistake or shortcoming she had no idea about. So she smiled good naturedly, bid the ladies farewell and went along her own way.

The little irritation and hurt faded into the background when she spotted a figure to the far end of the archery arena from the balcony. The distinct golden glow was unmistakable under the glare of the afternoon sun. Abhijishya had never been strong enough to deny her intrigued mind. So she acted on impulse and turned towards the way to the arena.

Angraj Karn was sitting down before a puddle of water with his bow drawn and arrow facing skywards while a soldier threw apples upwards. One after another, his arrows pierced the apples flawlessly before they started their descent towards the ground.

Abhijishya took sometime to admire his form. His speed, keen eye sight and focus were truly a mirror of her dear friend and brother Arjun. It was Kunti's eyes and nose pasted on Vasusena's face. She wondered how could nobody have noticed the apparent resemblance.

The soldier threw up another apple.

"Sutputra," Abhijishya said. The arrow missed it's target widely. Karn's head snapped in her direction. His fiery gaze threatened to diminish her to mere ashes in an instant.

The apple landed on his head which startled him and made him lose his balance. He fell face first into the puddle.

Despite the sight being amusing and the situation ironic in the case of Karn, Abhijishya felt a little guilty for messing with him.

She quickly went to help him up. "Why do you get so angry and defensive when people call you that?"she asked.

Karn gasped trying to clear the dirty water from his face.

"Here," Abhijishya offered the end of her veil for wiping his face. She was met with a surprised and confused look. "Go on,"she urged.

He wiped his face and hands after another moment of hesitation.

"Please get some water and washcloth for Angraj,"Abhijishya told a nearby das.

"Yes, Rajkumari,"the das bowed and left.

"Mind moving under the shade of the tree?"she asked but didn't wait for his answer.

Karn followed her. She let out a miniscule sigh of relief on escaping the heat. Then looked at Karn expectantly.

His confused expression was a reminiscent of Arjun's whenever her Gopal gave him cryptic answers. Abhijishya didn't hold back her chuckles. It snapped Karn out of whatever he was trying to figure out.

"Have I successfully entertained the new Kulvadhu of the Kurus?" he asked dryly.

Once her laughter subsided, she grinned and said,"I admit the sight was rather amusing but the laughter was meant for someone else. You reminded me of Bhrata Arjun, actually. He makes a certain face when he is confused after listening to my brother Krishna's words. I find it equal amounts of amusing and adorable."

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