Interlude : Letter to a daughter who is going to get married soon

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This was her last night as a maiden. Abhijishya carried the earthen lamp to her bedside table. She carefully unrolled the letter sent to her.


To dearest Abhijishya,

You must be wondering why we are writing to you despite of not having met in person. It is true we have heard about you in passing from our husband (Krishna) but it feels like you are already a part of our family. From his words, we have constructed a person who we are very fond of. We also know that you will be more beyond his scant description. We eagerly look forward to knowing you.

A daughter needs her mother most when she is getting married. In absence of your mother, we wanted to be by your side in your wedding. But alas! Our wishes remain unfulfilled but still hope we are able to fill a grain of that emptiness with our words.

When a girl marries, she does not just marry her groom; she marries into a family. From that moment, she has to think about the well being of her entire family before her own happiness. Fate might have taken away your family but destiny has granted you another. Always remember that Fate chooses it's own warrior. It chooses the one who does not run away from it but embellishes it with care. Be the one to embellish your fate and never deter from your duty as a wife, a queen and later a mother.

A mother sends her daughter to her in-laws house with a lesson. We, your Bhabishree's took it upon ourselves to do so.

Always look for the best in your husband and every family member but be aware of their worst too.

~ Your Bhabishree Rukmini

Nurture the bonds you have created and treat them like your most valuable treasure in the world.

~ Your Bhabishree Revati,
wife of your eldest brother.

Sometimes there will be differences in opinions and arguments but never let the problem come in between your relationship. Keep in mind, it is you and him against the problem; not you against him.

~ Your Bhabishree Jambavati

Treat everyone with respect but never compromise your own self respect and sense of honour.

~ Your Bhabishree Satyabhama

You are a wise girl, Abhijishya. You must already know falling in love is easy but staying in love is hard. Nurture the sapling of your love with patience, forgiveness, empathy and care. You will have to share your household with the soon to be Pandavs' common wife Panchal Rajkumari Draupadi. So there will be conflicts but we believe you will be able to overcome them. Be her friend and spruce up your household together.

You are going to begin a new chapter of your life with the sunrise of tomorrow. May your married life be full of love, happiness, peace and prosperity.

Akhand Saubhagyabati Bhava,
(May you remain forever fortunate)

With love,


Abhijishya was in tears by the end of the letter. She just felt so loved and accepted. She wondered if her mother would have said the exact same things. Most probably her mother's most important advice would be to stop sleeping through the morning.
She chuckled through the tears.

Then she noticed she hadn't unrolled the entire letter. She opened it further to find another note.


To my beloved jiji,

Bhratashree told me a lot about you. I really wanted to meet and spend a lot of time with you. More than that I wanted to attend your wedding and dress you up in my choice of clothes and jewelleries. But it's alright. I'll claim my share of your time when you visit us in Dwarka with your husband. I can't wait much longer to meet you so please come here as soon as you can. I wish you have a very happy married life.

Your sister,


Subhadra's note brought a smile on Abhijishya's face. She hugged the letter to her chest and laid down. Abhijishya fondly remembered her mother, her father and her sister. Her sister would definitely have bullied Nakul in buying her ice cream and chocolates. It was a sweet fantasy. But her reality wasn't bleak either.


A.N. - I wanted to do a separate chapter for the letter. I know this is really short but you'll get your usual update on Saturday. Think of this as a bonus snack 🍪

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Until the next time,

Byeee ;")

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