Interlude : Last week in Dwarka

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Abhijishya has a problem denying Gopal (which he takes full advantage of) :-

"My dear sister!" Krishna called out. Abhijishya looked at him wondering the reason behind his exuberant greeting.

"Not here. We must speak about a very important matter but away from any eavesdropping spies," he said seriously.

She was feeling a bit worried now. Spies in Dwarka?! That too inside the palace! Then she scrutinised his demeanour and quickly understood he had some plan cooking in his head.

"Bhrata, I need to go. Bhabishrees and Mata Devaki must be waiting for me in the kitchen," she said.

His shoulders' slumped and he gave her a pitiful look. "Yes, go. Everyone only remembers me when they get into trouble. I haven't had makhan since the day before yesterday. I thought my sakhi, my sister would get me some," he sighed.

"You are going to get me into trouble with Mata Devaki. But fine, I'll get you makhan. Just-" Abhijishya flapped her hand. "Just don't look at me like that. It makes me feel sad."

Krishna grinned. "I noticed how you didn't deny me before the contest. Come on, I'll show you the way to the storage shed."

Abhijishya could see several women making makhan some distance away when Krishna stopped suddenly.

"Go on," he urged.

"You are not coming with me?" Abhijishya asked surprised.

"If they see me, you won't get any makhan. You heard Mata then, did you not? Try getting a big pot," Gopal said gleefully.

"Alright," she agreed giving into her mischievousness.

Abhijishya tried to walk in a dignified way instead of sneaking in like she used to when her Maa made rosogolla at home.

Seeing her approach, a woman joined her hands and greeted her.

"Pranipaat, how may I help you?"she said.

Abhijishya returned her greeting and said,"Could you spare me a big pot of makhan? I want to offer it as bhog to my Lord."

The woman agreed readily and handed her a huge pot of makhan.

Abhijishya thanked her and walked back to Krishna.

"That was quick," he said. They walked into the garden and sat down on the swing.

"I didn't lie," she said. Krishna just hummed as he put in his hand inside the pot and ate makhan. Abhijishya watched in awe at his blissful face.

She wondered what makhan tasted like.

"You want?"he asked pushing the pot towards her. Abhijishya felt too curious about the taste to deny him.

She took a small portion in her hand and ate it tentatatively. Her eyes widened in delight. It was so creamy and slightly sweet. Abhijishya looked at Krishna hoping he would share.

Gopal looked at her then back at his pot. "Fine. I'll share with you only because you got it for me,"he said.

Abhijishya grinned and dipped her hand inside the pot.

Both of them were lost eating makhan in peace when someone cleared their throat. Abhijishya almost fell out of the swing in fright.

It was Bhratashree Balram looking very serious.

"Bhratashree-" Abhijishya tried to come up with an excuse.

"I won't tell if you both share," he said.

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