Knowing and Making History

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"Why do you never complain?" She looked up from the pair of feet she was attentively washing.

Confused, she asked,"About what, my Lord?" Her husband placed a hand over her head and replied,"I never spend much time with you yet you are the one who attends to my every need without my utterance. After performing all austerities, prayers and meditation, your sisters ask me to accompany them. You neither complain nor put forward any such demand."

She smiled. "My Lord, I am content as I am. Your one relieved smile when I offer my services to you fills my heart with satisfaction and bliss. I have no reason to complain when I get every moment to worship you in my heart knowing that you too love me in turn."

His eyes crinkled around the edges as his lips curved upwards. "Oh dearest, your words have erased all hesitance from my mind. Ask dear, ask me of any boon."

Her cheeks flushed at his praise. Joining her hands, she pleaded,"My Lord, I already having everything a wife could ask for. I only yearn for a child who shall be born of your seed from my womb. Bless me with an ideal son."

"Let it be so," her husband placed his hands on her shoulders and pulled her into his embrace.

The scene dissolved into nothingness. Another face floated up. "Maa," his childish voice bloomed a smile on her face instantly. She bent down and picked her eldest up in her arms. His younger sibling would be born in seven more months as well.

"Maa," soft hands touched her cheeks to grab her attention. His chubby cheeks were red with his lips turned into a pout. She gently caressed his face and asked," What is it my child?"

"You say we should love our family. But I don't think brother Hira likes us," his eyes welled up as he spoke.

Her heart clenched. "Sakra, maybe he just doesn't like you not calling him by his whole name." Sakra shook his head and cried into the crook of her neck. She could only comfort her son silently. Her conscience didn't let her spill sweet lies.


This time her dream refused to fade away. The faces and words kept repeating inside her mind. Sakra. It was her child. The yearning that erupted within her was immense. Where was Sakra now? Abhijishya fisted the cloth over her lower abdomen. The child within her was not Sakra. She knew that somehow. It was unexplainable. The connection she felt when Sakra came to her mind was not present when she thought of the child within her.

"Dear?" Nakul touched her hand over her abdomen. "I had a son. And a husband," Abhijishya pulled back from his embrace. His expression had become guarded. She sighed. "Actually I had more than one son. How many exactly I don't know. I have.. have dreamt of them before. Today I saw my husband and son. It was me with them I am sure. Me, I mean, not Abhijishya me but some other me."

Nakul was utterly confused. He put aside the twist in his stomach upon hearing about Abhijishya's some other husband and focused on his wife. "You are not making any sense, dear," he said gently. Abhijishya blinked then crinkled her eyebrows. She touched her face as looked confused as if surprised to find it wet. "Mohini?" he cupped her face.

"I- I had a son before. Yes, before I was Abhijishya. And Arya, I don't understand what exactly all I am feeling. I felt gut wrenching need to find my Sakra a few minutes ago and now it's gone. I don't know how to explain all this anymore," Abhijishya leaned heavily against her beloved's chest. She felt drained.

Nakul put a protective hand around her shoulders. "You have 'the sight'. Deva-" seeing her perplexed face, he clarified," Sahadev 'sees' too. I don't the extent of his ability. He doesn't talk about it. I think you have the sight to see your past lives, Mohini."

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