Unveiling Faces

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"You could've come with us," Abhijishya moved towards the balcony overlooking the the archery arena.

Kunti was gazing outside. She turned and smiled. "It is time my sons take decisions without my guidance. None of them have ever been good in politics and diplomacy. They are too simple minded in that aspect. Draupadi is intelligent but not clever. You, my dear, on the otherhand," she turned towards Abhijishya and cupped her cheek "are exactly what all six of them need. My nephew is clever but he cannot stay with my five sons always. So I place the responsibility to look out for them on you. Keep your eyes and ears open, dear. Your mind is sharp in itself."

Abhijishya chuckled. "Of course, of course. You will be acting as our eyes and ears in Hastinapur. Seeing your sons' downtrodden faces, I thought I had to play around with my words to get you to accompany us. But I had an inkling that your motive could be something else entirely so I sought you out."

"Most men take us for fools, putri. Jyesth knows as long as I reside in Hastinapur my sons won't wage war against him and his sons. But everything goes both ways if one knows how to utilise the situation in one's favour. Expect plently of letters from me, dear," Kunti said. She looked towards the arena again.

"A mother always yearns for her children so no one would think anything is out of place," she had a melancholy smile on her face. Abhijishya followed her gaze to find Vasusena engaged in a spar with one of the Kaurav brothers.

"Angraj must look like his mother," Abhijishya commented. Kunti went rigid by her side.

"I mean I have seen his father from a distance. He looks nothing like him," she added looking at Kunti.

"He must," Kunti mumbled. Abhijishya hummed. "I spoke to him some days ago. The competitiveness between him and Bhrata Arjun has escalated to enemity. I feel that is unnecessary. Does he not seem like he belongs with the Pandavs?"

Kunti remained silent then said softly, "Reality is very different than wistful thinking, putri. Angraj has faced insults from both Bheem and Arjun. Nakul was no better as well. Other than that, Suyodhana has cemented his loyalty by making him the King of Anga. Either way, it is useless pondering on mayhaps. Let bygones be bygones."

"Let bygones be bygones," Abhijishya echoed her words. "What if this affects your sons in the future?"

Kunti startled then turned a shade paler upon realising she had given away more then she thought she ever would. She settled on a strained smile." What is important now is that my sons will be leaving Hastinapur. There is nothing to worry about as everything is peacefully resolved. I-" she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "I have to see whether the preparation of lunch is complete or not. You must remain by Nakul's side. I'll send both of your meals in his chamber." Saying that, she strode away quickly.

Abhijishya stared at Kunti's retreating figure. This was proving to be more difficult that she had estimated.


"Was it you?"

Sushasan opened his eyes to find his elder brother standing near the edge of the diwan he was lying on. He sat up lazily. "Pranipaat Jyesth, how are you fairing this fine morning? I feel a little under the weather. Maybe I indulged in more wine than-"

"Sushasan," Suyodhana said sharply. Sushasan fell silent and stared defiantly at his brother.

"Have you come to chastise me about my 'ethics', Jyesth?" He stared at his brother daring him to call out his act.

"Sushasan," Suyodhana softened. "Brother, you tell me any princess, any other women you want and I'll make sure she becomes yours but give up on Abhijishya. She is married, Sushasan."

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