First Feelings and Forests

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The Pandavs had been travelling for a week now. They were steadily moving north-west towards River Saraswati.

In this week, Abhijishya learnt a lot. Firstly, there were no mosquitoes. Like how brilliant is that. Mosquitoes did not exist. Secondly, she was actually quite good at identifying various herbs and plants. Thirdly, she was not that good ("terrible" Arjun says) at trying to crave a dagger from a rock. Lastly, she was having trouble sleeping. More like she could barely sleep. So her state was constantly tired, sometimes hungry and always moody.

 So her state was constantly tired, sometimes hungry and always moody

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Abhijishya's dagger

She also discovered that the Pandavs possessed infinite patience.

"Abhijishya, this the fifth night you are offering to keep watch. You need to sleep. What's the matter?" asked a concerned Yudhisthir.

"I am fine. I am fine. Don't worry about me," Abhijishya said waving her hand nonchalantly.

"We have reason to be worried, putri. Yesterday, Sahadev noticed that you were just laying awake. If you continue like this, you'll fall ill,"Kunti said.

Abhijishya bit her tongue forcing herself not to snap at her. She didn't answer and just continued to pull out grass from the ground.

The Pandavs exchanged worried glances. "You all rest tonight. I'll keep watch," Nakul volunteered.

Abhijishya shrugged and didn't even bother to answer. The Pandavs laid out the bedsheet that Abhijishya had brought from Lakshagriha.

Abhijishya also laid down some distance away from them while Nakul walked around to do a perimeter check.

She gazed at the numerous stars in the sky. Even the sky was different here. It was clearer and with many more constellations. It was nice to live in a pollution free world but these days Abhijishya's thirst for anything familiar was like an open wound.

Sometimes she would subconsciously try reaching for her phone, hear Kunti laughing and expect to see her Maa, crave for ice cream and junk food. An ache had settled deep within her heart.

During the day, it was easier. As much as she was fascinated with this world, she was beginning to lowkey detest it too. For being so nearly familiar but completely alien.

Seeing the Pandavs, she missed her friends and sister a lot. She curled up and put her palm against her mouth to stifle her sobs.

Nakul walked near Abhijishya to see if she was sleeping only to find her silently crying. He felt unsure how to approach her. Since childhood, he was the one that was comforted by his mother and his elder brothers.

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