Tested and Tangled

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Abhijishya was nervous. Or best way to describe it was silently freaking out. After spending some time with Dussala, she was informed that the Maharaj wanted her to be present in the royal court for the late afternoon session. She had asked the four younger Pandavs but they didn't know anything about it. She suspected Yuvraj Yudhisthir was avoiding her for some reason.

Mata Kunti was equally confused as to why she was being called. The Royal women could watch a session take place from a high up balcony. But never called before the court without reason.

"Rajatithi Devi Abhijishya is entering the royal court," the announcer said loudly.

She entered the royal court. Her eyes sought out Mata Kunti, Maharani Gandhari and Dussala looking from the balcony.

"Pranipaat, Maharaj," she said with joined hands. She turned to Pitamaah and said," Pranipaat Mahamahim."

"Pranipaat to everyone present in the reverend royal court of Hastinapur."she finished.

"Devi Abhijishya, you have been brought to the court as we are in a fix regarding a very sensitive problem," said Maharaj Dhritarastra.

"I feel honoured that you think I am capable of solving this problem, Maharaj," said Abhijishya with courtesy. Thank god she had read enough novels and books to know how to behave before a royal court. She had a niggling feeling that this was some sort test for her.

"Guards, brings those women," Bhisma ordered.

Yudhisthir looked calm as usual but Abhijishya could see the underlying worry in his eyes. So it was a test then.

Two couples walked in along with two guards. One guard was holding an infant

Gandharraj stroked his beard and stared at Abhijishya in a contemplative manner. He was curious because if she managed to solve this problem, the Pandavs would have a clever brain on their side.

"Both the women claim that the infant is their child. There have been witnesses from both sides who said that these women did indeed give birth at the same time. Their husbands also support the claim of their respective wives," said Yudhisthir.

"What about the nursemaids that helped them give birth?" asked Abhijishya thoughtfully.

Both the women were crying while their husbands comforted them.

"The witnesses are the nursemaids," Bhisma said.

"Ah, well the solution is very simple then," said Abhijishya calmy.

"What do you propose, devi?" asked Mahamantri Vidur.

"Divide the infant and give half to each mother," said Abhijishya casually as if talking about the weather.

The entire assembly was shocked.

"What are you talking about you crazy woman?"bellowed Duryadhan.

The assembly broke out in whispers. Maharaj, Mahamantri, Mahamahim along with Maharani, Mata Kunti and Dussala looked horrified.

The women started crying harder.

They fell on their feet and pleaded," Please don't do this. Please give my son back to me."

"He is my son. I swear. I fed him my own milk," one woman sobbed.

"Why are you lying? He is my son," the other woman screamed.

"We had come here for justice and getting our child back, Maharaj. What kind of justice is this," wailed one husband.

"She is a demoness. Otherwise she couldn't have said such a thing," yelled another husband.

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