A Definitely Defining Dinner

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"Pranipaat Mata," Arjun and Sahadev greeted her with joined hands.

"Pranam, Mata Kunti,"Abhijishya greeted because she really didn't know what else to call her.

"Kalyan ho putro. Kalyan ho putri," she blessed them.

Mata Kunti gently tugged her towards a man with white hair and beard who now looked at her.

Inwardly Abhijishya was panicking because this was Bhism who was a stickler for traditions and rules. He looked very intimidating. She really didn't know whether she should touch his feet or do a simple pranam because he was sitting down.

Arjun and Nakul were beside her and they said," Pranipaat Pitamaah."

"Kalyan ho putra. Who is this kanya with you Kunti?"

"Mahamahim, she is Abhijishya whom Nakul and Arjun found in the forest," said Kunti.

Now he stood up and looked at her again.

Kunti looked at her expectantly.

Better be more respectful than less so Abhijishya bent down and touched his feet and said," Pranipaat, Mahamahim."

She felt a big hand lightly touch her head. Bhisma said,"Kalyan ho putri."

Then only she stood up. From the expressions, it was clear both Bhisma and Kunti were pleased.

"Where do hail from, putri?" asked Bhisma.

'Shit. I can't understand.'

Abhijishya glanced at her side only to find Nakul and Arjun gone. 'Traitors.'

"I am sorry but I can't understand," Abhijishya said.

Now everyone was looking at her curiously.

"Mahamahim, putri Abhijishya doesn't speak our tongue," said Kunti.

On hearing whispers broke out all around.

"Then, we are in a fix. Her family must be worried about her and it is our duty to inform them that she is with us," Bhisma said.

"My sons and I shall take her under our care until she can return home safely, Mahamahim,"smiled Kunti as she caressed Abhijishya's shoulder unknowingly making a promise of a lifetime.

Abhijishya smiled gratefully. At that moment, Maharaj came inside along with Maharani Gandhari and her dasi.

Everyone stood and greeted pranipaat. Maharaj Dhritarastra took his seat at the head of the table. His seat was on a slightly raised wide flat tool decorated with gold and jewels.

Everyone took their seats except Mata Kunti, Maharani Gandhari, the young princess who Abhijishya now realised was Dussala and the dasis.

Dasis came out of the kitchen carrying huge vessels of various kinds of food. Abhijishya wondered if this was a regular daily meal then how grandiose will be a royal feast.

Mata Kunti gestured her towards towards Sahadev. There was an empty seat between Sahadev and another Kaurav.

She went and sat beside him. The entire hall fell silent. Abhijishya was confused. She looked around to see everyone staring at her. Whispers broke out among the Kauravs while the Pandavs looked uncomfortable. Even Bheem had stopped eating and was glancing at her.

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