Wrong Time and Wrong Tongue

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{ in single quotation marks and italics font are exclusively Abhijishya's thoughts.

E.g 'where am I' thats Abhijishya thinking

The underlined text is for what Abhijishya doesn't understand.}

When Abhijishya slowly gained consciousness, she heard soft chatter of few people. She felt her body lying on a soft and comfortable mattress. She tried opening her eyes only to squint at the brightness of the room.

She tried to sit up with the help of her elbows when she felt a hand on her arm, gentle but firmly helping her sit up. Someone put a pillow behind her so she could sit comfortably.

Someone was murmuring softly beside her. She tried to make out what they were saying but gave up when all she heard was gibberish. The light chatter had stopped by then.

She slowly blinked her eyes open and focused on her surroundings.

She blinked and rubbed her eyes trying to clear her eyes.

Her jaw dropped. She was sitting on a huge luxurious bed. Chandeliers hung from the ceiling. There were huge vases with flowers. Everything was expensive. Four men were standing some distance away from the end of her bed next to a statue and looking at her expectantly.

'Is that... is that a bl**dy f*cking GOLD statue?!' she screeched inwardly.

The men were nicely build but one of them stood out. He was tall and muscular like those WWE players. Maybe even taller. They were wearing dhotis with some sort of long embroidered cloths intertwined in their arms. And also gold ornaments. Like a looot of gold. She gaped shamelessly.

Her focus shifted to the person beside her. The woman was dressed in off-white saree with a modest veil covering her head. Her neck adorned gold bead necklace. She had kind eyes and she was saying something.

Abhijishya now realised this woman was speaking a totally different language.

She tried to tell her that she didn't understand anything but her throat was dry and she choked.

She coughed a little and started heaving when the woman gently held a glass of water near her water. She drank gratefully almost choking again. She felt a hand rub her back and the glass was pulled away.

Now she could focus and find out where the hell she was and how the hell did she even end up here.

'Concentrate Jessy or these people will think you are deaf,' she berated herself.

She felt the lady beside her shaking her and from her tone she understood she was asking something. Her brain was still muddled so it was hard to even identify what language she was speaking in.

Now one of men wearing white dhoti was asking her something.

"I am sorry I don't understand," she said hoping against hope that they understood.

"Vyadji, what is wrong with her? Why is she speaking strangely?" Kunti asked the Rajvyad worriedly.

"Rajmata, I cannot say. She should have been completely fine except the few flesh wounds which are healing nicely," the Rajvyad said joining his hands.

This time she spoke in Hindi."Excuse me, where am I?" Abhijishya was starting to feel uneasy amidst such strange people.

Slowly it was catching up to her. The attack while she was going to Keya's house. Being choked and and... she couldn't remember anything after that. She was feeling itchy.

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