Mingling Breaths

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Abhijishya was humming and moving around with a skip in her steps when Nakul entered their chamber.

"Arya," she said walking towards him with a ecstatic smile.

Nakul took her hand and said,"My Mohini seems to be in a very good mood. Did anything happen?"

Abhijishya grinned. "Oh I am very happy, Arya. Bhabishree Rukmini and Bhabishree Revati are pregnant. I am going to be an aunt to a little Krishna and little Baldau."

"Really? That is a very good news indeed. I must congratulate Bhratshree Krishna and Bhratashree Balram soon," Nakul said with happiness.

"Parihar (Privacy)" Abhijishya said. As soon as the dasis left, she pulled him into a kiss.

"Oh, I missed this so much," Nakul mumbled as he pulled her closer into his arms.

"Did you now?" She said playfully. Her smile was engulfed into another passionate kiss. Nakul rested his forehead against hers and said," Let's go."

Abhijishya looked at him in confusion,"Go? Where?"

Nakul just smiled and pulled her along. "Come with me."


Two saddled horses stood in the courtyard.

"I see how this is, Arya. You are trying to elope with me," Abhijishya teased.

"But we are already married, love," Nakul said. "Maybe I am taking you away to a secret den to keep you prisoner," he teased back.

Abhijishya laughed. "I'd like to see you try,"she said. "Perhaps if you please me, I might stay in your secret den willingly."

Nakul grinned. "You might not want to come back once you see my secret den."

"Is that so? Then I must see this den at once," she said with a smile. Then Abhijishya frowned,"Arya, I am not exactly a skilled horse rider." 'More like I only rode horses when I went to Puri and Digha beaches,' she thought.

"But you said you were riding away fast being chased by guards in your illusion," Nakul said puzzled.

Abhijishya resisted her urge to facepalm at being caught at her lie. Instead she said," In my mind, dear. If you fly in your dream that doesn't mean you can fly in reality."

Nakul accepted her explaination then smirked.

"What?" she asked.

"We'll be taking one horse then," he said. Then he got down on one knee.

"Go on,"Nakul smiled. Abhijishya blushed as she stepped on his thigh and got up on the horse and sat sideways. He got up next; his chest flush against her back.

"Ready?" he whispered. She shuddered pleasantly feeling his breath tickle her neck. "Yes," she said.

They rode in a canter as they passed houses aligned in rows along the road; marketplaces where people were slowly closing their businesses. People moved aside to give them away. Curious children pointed at them. Some people even joined their hands. There was utterance of 'Rajkumari' from a few young girls. Abhijishya smiled and waved at them. Their eyes widened and they waved back with bright grins.

"Dwarka already adores their new Rajkumari," Nakul said affectionately.

"Their new relative; Dwarka is no monarchy," she said.

"Sometimes I wonder if Aryavart would be as prosperous and beautiful as Dwarka if we didn't have monarchy too," he said thoughtfully.

"Be it monarcy or a governing council, as long as the administration is not corrupt, there shall be prosperity," Abhijishya said with a smile.

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