The Scamming Scheme

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"Will this really work?" Nakul asked gesturing towards the chest Abhijishya was carrying.

"I'll just have to sell it right," Abhijishya said. "Now hush, not a word about this to anyone."

Nakul was still skeptical about it but nodded nonetheless. They entered the hall in which the council meeting was supposed to take place. Few people were already present.

Unlike the Royal court of Hastinapur and Panchal, all the seats were situated on the same level. Just one seat was placed in the exact middle of the arc of seats which was clearly for the Head of the council.

Abhijishya spotted Satyaki speaking to an elderly man and tugged Nakul along with her towards them.

"Pranipaat," they greeted.

"Pitashree, this is cousin Abhijishya and her husband Rajkumar Nakul," Satyaki introduced.

"Ah! The girl whom you fought in the arena," he proclaimed. Then he smiled,"Putri, I have heard much about you from Vasudev as well as my son. It is splendid to meet you. I hope your health is fair. I did hear that you had been unconscious for two days," Satyaki's father said.

"And it is an honour to meet you. I am fairing better since yesterday," Abhijishya replied politely.

"And you Nakul, the valour that you and your brothers showed against Panchalraj Drupad and his army is often discussed and praised amongst us. It is so good to see that you have grown into a brilliant man. It has been ages since I have seen your mother. Next time you visit Dwarka, you must bring along all your brothers and mother as well," Satyaka said.

"Mata told us great tales about your skill as a warrior, Mamashree. I shall surely bring along my family the next time we visit Dwarka," Nakul said.

Abhijishya knew he intentionally said family instead of mentioning Draupadi along with his brothers and mother. It seemed like the news of Draupadi's marriage to the Pandavs hadn't reached everyone in Dwarka. She wondered if Gopal hadn't told his clansmen because he wanted them to reach Hastinapur first. She wanted to include Draupadi too along with them but she had to choose her battles. She knew if news reached Maharaj Dhritarastra's ears about the Pandavs marriage to Draupadi, they wouldn't even be allowed inside the Kuru kingdom. The most important thing was for them to be heard out and their settlement in Indraprastha. It was a wise decision but not a welcome one.

Healer Adhrit arrived and came towards them. Greetings were exchanged.

"Just so you know, I am in support of your request. If surgery was progressive when Yuyudhana's mother was alive then perhaps..." Satyaka trailed off with a lost look in his eyes. The next moment he plastered a smile on his face. "I must go take my seat, Chief Ugrasen is here," he said.

Abhijishya and Nakul went to him. They touched his feet together and said," Pranipaat Matamaah."

"Kalyan ho, putra. Akhand Saubhagyabati Bhava putri. Krishna spoke to me earlier regarding your inclusion in our family and I can't say I am disappointed. The word of your good judgement in Hastinapur has reached Dwarka. I look forward to what you and Rajkumar Nakul present before the council in the meeting. Now I must take my seat. We shall converse more later," Ugrasen said. Abhijishya smiled politely and inclined her head in respect.

Both of them joined Satyaki and healer Adhrit who stood behind Satyaka. Bhratashree Balram and Bhratashree Krishna chose that moment to enter.

"Pranipaat Matamaah, pardon us for our delay," Balram said with joined hands. He looked pointedly at Krishna,"Someone lost his way to the hall and ended up near the makhan storage rooms once again."

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