Inception and Obsession

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The past few days had been a roller coaster of emotions for Abhijishya. Now she felt bored, uncomfortable and unwelcome in Panchal. It wasn't much of a surprise. She was the reason Draupadi's wedding was put on hold.

She wasn't sure if she could resume her sword fighting and weapons aiming lessons. Only Arjun seemed to continue with his strict archery practice schedule. She didn't know if she could ask for book though she had heard Sahadev had taken up residence in the Royal library. Yudhisthir remained busy discussing things with Dhristadymna. Bheem spent more time in the kitchen than ever.

Abhijishya didn't seek out Mata Kunti as Mata wanted to get to know her other daughter-in-law Draupadi. Gopal didn't leave Panchal but was nowhere to be found. Nakul was most probably keeping his distance. Something about bride and groom shouldn't meet alone before marriage. So she had nothing to do.

Wherever she went, eyes trailed her and whispers were heard. She tried not to let it bother her but with nothing to fill her day, her overthinking escalated. Her wedding being just a day away didn't help her nervousness at all.

She was itching to do something. Abhijishya was passing by when she saw Shikhandini practicing sword fighting against a few soldiers.

Her sword was slim and her movements swift. She danced around in deadly grace as she beat the soldiers into the ground.

Abhijishya watched in awe as Shrikhandini toppled a soldier with a kick to his abdomen. She hoped one day she could weild the sword like her and give Nakul a tough competition.

She had progressed well but she wasn't sure how she would last against a seasoned opponent.

Shikhandini noticed the person of her ire standing near the practice arena and watching her. She smirked.
Lifting her hand she signalled for the soldiers to pause.

"Pranipaat Nakulamohini," Shikhandini drawled her new name.

Abhijishya winced. Ah, Shikhandini was upset with her over the hold on Draupadi's wedding. Also perhaps that she was her sister's soon to be husband's lover didn't help the matter. But she didn't let anything show on her face.

She did pranam and greeted," Pranipaat. I have heard about your battle prowess before. Today I got the chance to see it. Truly remarkable." She smiled.

"I too have heard quite a lot about you," she said walking closer to Abhijishya.

Abhijishya smiled politely," All good things I hope."

"Depends on how one looks at things. Well, what interested me is the fact you know how to sword fight. Let's have a friendly spar," Shikhandini's grin was too sharp for Abhijishya's liking. She tossed a sword at her which Abhijishya caught.

"Would you mind if I made myself appropriate for a spar?"she asked Shrikhandini.

Shikhandini gave a go ahead gesture. Abhijishya loosely braided her hair. She pleated the veil like the upper half of saree and tucked it securely in her waist.

Abhijishya gave some experimental slashes with the sword testing the weight. It was perfect for her hand.

"Spar goes on till the other yields. Let's begin, shall we?" Shikhandini asked. Abhijishya nodded and took her stance. She had mixed her sword fighting with her karate moves and was excited to find out how she would fair against a seasoned warrior.

They circled, sizing each other up. Shikhandini wasn't making any move. So Abhijishya went on offensive.

 So Abhijishya went on offensive

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