Of Base Schemes and Beginnings

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Abhijishya would be lying if she said she wasn't feeling paranoid. Many questions swirled in her mind. Like how many days would they be staying here. Would anything change because of her presence. There were many adaptations of the tale of Lakshagriha so how exactly would everything turn out was unknown. She was sure the Pandavs and their mother would make it. But what about her? She really didn't fancy herself being turned into roasted barbecue.

Mata Kunti lit the diya as they entered the mansion. Purochan was adamant on setting up the diya near the main gate himself.

The entire mansion was full of mirrors which illuminated the inside with silvery moonlight.

"So, Purochan you said earlier that the mansion is illuminated by moonlight but what about a new moon night (amavasya) ?" asked Sahadev.

"Sahadev, why should we worry about that that? None of us are going to stay here till new moon," Bheem said too busy looking around.

"But Sahadev's question has merit. What do you use to light the mansion on a new moon night, Purochan? Mashals lamps?" asked Yudhisthir curiously.

Purochan looked tense. "We will come up of a way to illuminate this mansion without using Mashala, Yuvraj. You need not worry."

"Please come this way. It is already late. Maharani, Yuvraj, Rajkumar and Yadavkumari must be hungry. We have arranged for dinner," said Purochan's wife.


Dinner was an unceremonious affair. Abhijishya was too occupied in her thoughts to even participate in the on going conversation. Knowing what she knew, Abhijishya really felt at unease with Purochan and his people hovering nearby.

After dinner, Kunti stayed back to discuss the arrangements for the Shiv Pujan tomorrow morning with Purochan's wife. Tonight they had just arrived so Abhijishya was sure that at least tonight they would be safe. Or else she would have stayed back with Kunti.

Purochan's son guided the rest of them to their chambers which were very far from the entrance door.

Arjun noticed Abhijishya's quiet demeanour and decided to talk to her later.

They reached a large living room.

Purochan's son said," Now allow me to leave, Yuvraj. If you need anything, please give me a call and I shall attend to you at once." Yudhisthir nodded. With that, he left. Abhijishya sighed in relief.

Nakul's eyes caught his reflection in a mirror. He puffed out his chest slightly. He raised chin and smoothed his slightly ruffled hair. It was really an amusing sight.

"See, Nakul has already started preening like a peacock infront of the mirror. I don't get what you find so interesting that you never get tired of seeing your own face," teased Bheem.

"Atleast my face is worth admiring," Nakul snarked back and went back to fixing his aangavastra.

Everyone started laughing.

"Nakul, you really shouldn't look so much in the mirror. Maa used to say if someone always kept looking into the mirror, their face starts slowly changing to that of a frowning monkey," Abhijishya couldn't help but tease him too.

"Ah I can see what you are talking," Arjun nodded his head sagely.

Nakul looked alarmed and looked closely at his reflection to see any changes.
"Abhijishya, you are supposed be on my side. How could you team up with Bhrata Bheem and Bhrata Arjun? Jyesth, you tell them that my face is as handsome as it was before."

"Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, Nakul. Why are you asking Jyesth to lie?" Sahadev chimed in.

Bheem patted Nakul on his back. Nakul nearly fell on the floor. At this point, Abhijishya couldn't stop laughing. One glance at poor Nakul's indignant face and started laughing afresh.

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