Living with the Rakshasas

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Abhijishya had spent the last three months exploring the forest and the Rakshas settlement.

The cave turned out to be actually an illusion of an entrance. They lived in mud houses with hay roofs. Some even slept on trees branches. They hunted the animals from Kamyak Forest as well as Dvaita Forest for meat and also lived on fruits, nuts and vegetables. But they didn't practice agriculture. Rakshasas believed in living of the land.

They had huge appetites but also could go on days without food. Bhagwan Vrikodar turned out to be their ancestor whom they believed to protect their forest by Maya.

"You aren't paying attention, Abhijishya. Widen your stance," Nakul remarked.

And she had also started to learn sword fighting.

"Keep your left hand closer to your body and no no stop, if you bend your hand like that you'll strain your muscles," Nakul remarked.

They had been at it for over 3 hours now. Abhijishya was pretty sure her hands were about to fall off.

"Yes, alright. Now while swinging don't bend your body that way. Yes, like that. Okay, we stop here today," he said.

Abhijishya simply flopped on the ground with her arms and legs spread out. She didn't want to move for a week.

Nakul peered down at her.

"You are progressing well," he said offering her a hand.

She took it and got up. "Don't lie. I majorly suck. You are just too nice to discourage me."

Sahadev who was practicing with his axe a few meters away called out," Nakul is telling the truth, Abhijishya. You are doing fine."

"Okay, if you both really think so. I am really trying my best," Abhijishya said. Nakul passed her an earthen pot of water.

Abhijishya gulped down some then continued to sip some more. "Are you growing out your beard and hair?" she asked.

"Yes, it will be more difficult to recognise us then," Nakul said.

Abhijishya hummed thoughtfully while caressing her lotus pendant. It became a habit soon after Nakul had given it to her.

"What's going on in that head of yours?" Nakul asked bumping his shoulder against hers.

"I was thinking about the Rakshas clan dynamics," she said. "I have noticed quite drastic change between the Rakshasas after Bhrata Bheem became their king."

"What changes did you notice?" Nakul asked as he ushered her to sit near a tree trunk.

"For Rakshasas who were salivating for human flesh a few hours before Bhrata Bheem's victory, they are quite comfortable living with us after he became King. I haven't seen any one of the tribe look at me like I am their prey. So, if they were really starving for human flesh, they should still be starving now. Bhrata Bheem is their King but when subjects suffer from hunger, they rebel against the King. Yet these people not only accepted a human as their King but also his family members as honorary clan members too. All of this narrows down to one question, if eating humans isn't a necessity then why did they eat humans at all?" Abhijishya said.

"I never thought of that," Nakul said absentmindedly interlacing their fingers together.

Abhijishya felt unusually happy just holding Nakul's hand. She smiled and stared at Nakul.

Someone cleared their throat behind them. Both Nakul and Abhijishya startled.

"Arjuuun," Abhijishya whined. "Why did you have to give us a scare?"

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