First Step to Success

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Abhijishya really missed technology. Here she was, standing in front of the council once again, trying to outwit people atleast twice her age and she felt very nervous.

But she didn't let any of that show on her face. Last night she and Nakul had retired early as they both really needed it. Especially Nakul, who had spent three nights awake in a row.

He had asked what did she have in mind if no one fell for her ploy. Well, let's say he wasn't exactly happy to hear there was no contingency plan. Abhijishya knew her plan left some leeway because it entirely stood on the guilty party believing her word. It was simple enough. She had just used the guilty party's fear of being caught against them. But there was no solid proof for Charu's specific case.

Video recording would have been a major help in this. If only she could've installed spy camera and microphones in the residencies of all the men, her life would be easier.

Abhijishya had also called Charu to be there all night as well as this morning. She wasn't taking any chances in case someone decided to attack her.

She looked at Gopal who was intentionally ignoring her. She knew he was having too much fun watching her squirm internally.

Ugrasen spoke loudly addressing the council," Since we are all here, I believe it is time that we witness the quite awaited moment."

Everyone quietened down. Satrajit and his thirty five associates stepped forward with their sticks.

Abhijishya said," I shall require you to give me your stick one at a time."

Satrajit was the first to give his stick to her. She quickly measured the stick by placing it parallel with her forearm. The stick had not been altered with. It was exactly the size of her forearm. Abhijishya felt a little tension melt away. Bhabishree Satyabhama's father was in the clear.

"Please stand to my right," she said with a polite smile. Slowly, she repeated the same process with everyone. Nine sticks turned out to be an inch shorter. Their owners stood to her left.

"It seems like I have made a grave mistake,"Abhijishya said while bowing her head.

Everyone looked at her in confusion.

"What have you done, putri?" Ugrasen asked calmly.

"Earlier I said that the sticks of the dishonest would grow an inch longer but actually, the sticks of the dishonest would shrink an inch. Pardon me for my mistake," she said.

Ugrasen nodded. "That is alright as long as it does not change anything regarding the purpose of these divine artefacts."

"No, it does not. The group of men to my left have been dishonest in duty at the Treasury," Abhijishya said. Said men went up in an uproar.

The council was also confused. She glanced at Krishna to find him silently smiling and watching the events unfold.

"Liar! She is lying, Chief," yelled a stout man.

"Yes. She has deceived us all," agreed another man.

"Yes, yes. Mahalekhapal (accountant general) Chetas is telling the truth. She is a fraud. These are no divine artefacts," proclaimed another man.

Murmurs were heard around the hall. The group to the right felt puzzled.

"Oh? And how would you know that, Mahoday (sir)?" Abhijishya asked with a raised eyebrow.

The stout man, Mahalekhapal Chetas scoffed condescendingly. "Do you take us for fools?! We cut off an inch of those sticks ourselves."

"And why did you feel the need to do so?" Abhijishya asked with a smile.

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