Go with the Flow

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Kunti rushed to the collasped form of Abhijishya. She ushered some dasis to help settle her back in bed.

"What happened, Kunti?"asked Maharani Gandhari as a dasi helped her inside the room.

"I don't know. I think she got scared for some reason,"replied a concerned Kunti. "Vyadji, please see what is wrong with her." She moved aside to make space for the Vyad.

"Everything is alright. She must have fainted due to weakness of the body. No need to worry. She will wake up in a few hours. Then she should be given something to eat. Ab kripiya kar hume prasthan karne ki anumati dein, Maharani (Please allow us to leave now Maharani)," Rajvyad said bowing his head with joined palms.

"Yes, you can go. If you are needed you shall be called," Gandhari said.

Rajvyda along with his wife left.

"Pranipaat Maharani," greeted the four young Pandavs.

"Kalyan ho," blessed Gandhari.

"Pranipaat Jyesth,"they greeted.

Yudhisthir smiled and nodded in acknowledgement. He walked towards Kunti and touched her feet.

"Pranipaat Mata," he said.

"Kalyan ho, putra," Kunti smiled.

"Did you find out who is she and from where she has come from?" asked Gandhari as she sat opposite to Kunti.

"She doesn't speak our tongue, Jyesthmata. After quite a bit of difficulty, we found her name. Her name is Abhijishya. But when we introduced ourselves, she got frightened for some reason. Then she fainted," Bheem said slightly frowning.

"It is only natural Bheem. Abhijishya devi found herself injured in a room of people who speak a different language. She couldn't even properly understand you all. She must have gone through some perilous circumstance before Arjun and Nakul found her in the forest. She must have been terrified," explained Yudhisthir.

"I agree with you, putra. This is an unusal situation. I think one of us should remain with her always to help her understand our way of life," said Maharani Gandhari kindly.

"As you wish, Jyesthmata," the pandavs agreed.

"You have spoken truly, jiji," Kunti smiled.


When Abhijishya again woke up, it was late in the afternoon. She sat up quickly to look around.

She was still in the luxurious room. She sagged against the pillows.

'So it wasn't a dream huh? Shit.'

Tears came to her eyes but she refused to give in. She rubbed her eyes and forced herself to think rationally.

'Okay. So I am in Dvapar yug for some reason. I can't get myself home.' A hysterical laughter threatened to pass her lips but she smothered her giggles because at one point when she had read the Mahabharata she had wished to meet the characters so much.

'F*ck.' She roughly rubbed the few tears that had escaped and tried to breathe calmy.

'Okay. Breathe. A panic attack won't do me any favours now. Accept, adapt and move on. Yeah, yeah. Now how do I proceed from this point... need to communicate properly and stick to the Pandavs. Simple. It's fine..'

A deep voice like soothing embers broke her chain of thoughts.

"Devi, how are you feeling now?" said Arjun.

She greeted with a pranam which Arjun returned.

Then she said flatly,"Don't understand."

Arjun looked at loss because he couldn't understand what she said.

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