Seven Steps to Eternity

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When Nakul met a girl that fell from the sky, his heart had skipped a beat. It was normal; as normal as being concerned over a critical patient. He noted the injuries and possible treatments in his mind. She was simply 'The Girl Who Fell From The Sky.'

Then she became 'The Girl Who Speaks Strangely'. She was strange indeed; outrageous enough to ignore demanding Princes and nonchalant enough to disregard the unwritten rule of eating after men. With her eyes flickering everywhere, curious and observing, she was quick to adapt. Definitely not helpless; strong.

Next she became The Girl Who They Could Finally Understand. Family and country lost, with just one friend, she was brave. His eyes trailed her everywhere. He experienced exhilaration, euphoria, increased energy, sleeplessness, loss of appetite, trembling, a racing heart and accelerated breathing. Nakul wondered if he was falling sick. Sahadev laughed; shook his head and said he was falling, just not sick.

The Girl Who They Could Finally Understand became The Girl He Noticed. Her smile at anyone else apart from his family set fire in his heart; poison in his veins. She never coddled; her tongue was sharp and her mind open. She believed in Equality.

He isn't clear when The Girl He Noticed became The Girl He Desired but soon she became his sun and he gravitated around her; just shy of touch. She was cool minded amidst the flames; courageous and gallant. Never faltering. His heart stuttered almost to a halt as he left her behind for that moment.

The Girl He Desired became The Woman Who Stayed when she followed them into the forest. Her eyes were still hollow from seeing the last breath escape the Nishada girl. She was empathetic and compassionate. She was plagued by sweet dreams of lost family turned bitter as she blinked awake. He knew then she was human; she suffered but she also healed. His heart sang when she chose him as her healer.

The Woman Who Stayed became Abhijishya who had the power to crush his heart but cradled it when the sun set, the moon rose and the stars blinked. He breathed her as if inhaling air for the first time. She was wind; calm, turbulent, wild and free whom he desired to captivate in his chest. To inhale but not exhale. She surrounded him. He felt mad with laughter of joy and tears of relief. She was his serendipity.

Abhijishya Who Held His Heart then ruled his mind as she wielded his sword like a hunting lioness. She was hard working with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. She was someone who could discuss morals, politics and dharma with his Jyesth, a food critic with Bhrata Bheem, a friend to Bhrata Arjun; someone who made Sahadev discard his shyness and ramble on about various subjects. She became a daughter to his Mata who never allowed her to do much work and took care of her.He realised she was already family. That moment he wanted to be hers and she be his.

Abhijishya became more real when she thought he would leave her. Seeing her eyes saddened with prior knowledge of the times ahead; he could only promise his love and his company for life. She was hesitant. He gave her faith.

When the impossible situation arose, she showed them the path of dharma. Her gait was of a martyr, ready to sacrifice her promised love; but never demanding her share of justice. He despaired at the inevitability in her eyes. Her vow to Maharaj Drupad rang of righteousness. His heart clenched with devastation but his soul sang in pride. She was a lady of great character.

He prayed to all Gods and Goddesses he could name, to the witnesses of his declaration of love all night. As the shadow covered the sun and the ring of fire blazed, he knew his faith and their love persevered.

Now, Nakul looked at Abhijishya as she walked towards him. She was dressed in red and gold. Her hair was braided and her kajal emphasised eyes captivated him completely. The rays of the setting sun made her elysian. She stood beside him and glanced back. Her eyes were full of love, devotion and happiness. He was entraped.

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