Past times and Pastimes

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Warning - contains slight description of self immolation.

Important : I request all readers to read the author's note at the end of the chapter.

Abhijishya didn't think twice before breaking into a short run careful of the baby inside her. Her heart was hammering hard against her ribcage while her mind kept coming up with scenarios that might have caused the child to scream. Did he get burned by mistake? She had heard a woman's voice too. Did that mean something happened to her? The edge of the forest drew nearer as the trees thinned. Sahadev had caught up to her. Before she could step into the field, Sahadev yanked her aside behind a thick tree.

"What are you- " She didn't get a chance to finish her statement as a hand was clamped over her mouth shushing her from speaking further. With his eyes, he gestured to someone behind her to the right. Turning her head sideways, she peeked to see an elderly man standing beside another boy who seemed to be in his early teens. They all looked extremely familiar. Some distance away there were soldier stationed at intervals all carrying the insignia of the Kurus on their shields, armours and flags.

A surprised gasp left her parted lips as she saw her mother-in-law standing off to the side crying while clutching a young boy who was struggling in her grip. Her eyes sought out the other people. It was a much younger Vidur standing beside Kunti trying to calm the young boy. The familiar person standing beside a lanky looking boy was none other than Pitamah Bhisma. If she was not wrong then the teen boy was Yudhisthir who was standing eerily still. Only his face held an aghast expression as his eyes flickered between the kid Kunti was holding and the burning pyre.

"How-" Abhijishya tried to string words together to make sense of the situation but her mind was blank. She looked closely at the fire. Surrounded by priests and sages, the pyre burned high. On top of it lay a toppled figure of a burning woman twitching as the flames hungrily devoured her whole. Tears flew freely down her face. Her anguished eyes were stuck on the crying child. The determination to not scream was evident from her strongly clenched jaws yet the acceptance she exhibited as she tried to not move from her position sent chills down Abhijishya's spine. What could possibly drive a woman to accept such a painful death when clearly her family is still alive? Why wasn't anyone doing anything but watch her finish herself?

Finally the resistance left her body. The women screamed out loud unable to bear the pain silently anymore. It broke out Abhijishya from her daze. "We must save her," she muttered as she moved out of Sahadev's hold. This time her movement alerted Bhisma who turned their way.

"Who is there? Show yourselves," his voice gave away a tone that demanded immediate compliance. Sahadev gestured her to stay quiet. They went completely still willing their frantic hearts to make less noise lest it reached Pitamah's ears.

"Pitamah?" the boy in his teens looked at Bhisma in confusion.

"Go stand beside your Kakashree Vidur, putra. I'll be back soon," Bhisma said softly before taking long strides towards them.

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"Really? Here again? Why do we come here every afternoon Madhav? I wanted to see the new gardens of Indraprastha today," Parth complained while sitting down under a shady tree. For the past few days, Madhav would bring him beside the banks of Yamuna at this very spot, talk in a distracted manner as if looking out for someone then drag him back to the palace.

"Why? Don't you like spending time with me?" Krishna said in a mock hurt tone plopping down beside his friend. "Fine go then. Leave me alone in the big dark woods."

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