Turbulent Times

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"What kind of jest is this, Arjun?" Maharaj Dhritarastra asked with suppressed anger.

Yudhisthir said," Arjun is telling the truth, Tatshree. We, five brothers, have married Panchal Rajkumari Draupadi."

Gandharraj burst out in laughter. "Five brothers married one women. Hastinapur has great doctrine indeed, Mahamahim."

Bhisma's expression had darkened; his eyes held fury and fists clenched so hard that it seemed like he was fighting to restrain himself.

"How dare you," he said softly. "HOW DARE YOU SET FOOT INSIDE HASTINAPUR AFTER COMMITING SUCH BLASPHEMY?" His voice thundered over the Pandavs.

The Pandavs were struck at the anger and disbelief pouring out of their reverend grandsire.

"For years, I have safeguarded the throne of Hastinapur. I have struggled incessantly so that righteousness might prevail. Yet you come here, Yudhisthir, to glorify the throne with the muck of your heinous sin; the throne that gets stained by even slightly withered flowers," he turned his face away from them. Then said bitterly," And I was awaiting the advent of righteousness for all these years."

"You were against the coronation of nephew Suyodhana, Mahamahim. Now what do you have to say? Are the Pandavs even deserving of staying in the Kuru kingdom?" Shakuni goaded Pitamaah further as he limped towards Maharaj Dhritarastra.

Pitamaah stood with gritted teeth and head down.

"Tatshr-" Kunti was interrupted.

"Not a word. I don't want to hear anything from any of you," Pitamaah said sharply.

The helplessness was palpable in the faces of Mata Kunti and the Pandavs. Draupadi was a different story. Her face was pale and she kept looking at Abhijishya who was standing beside Maharani Gandhari.

Abhijishya wanted to let things run it's course but the situation was rapidly deteriorating fast. Despite that she held onto her patience.

"What is there to even say, Mahamahim? You heard Yudhisthir himself. He doesn't lie. What could possibly excuse such malign?" Shakuni said loudly.

"It would've been better if you all didn't return. I would've grieved you as the righteous grandsons I lost instead of bearing witness to you go astray from the path of righteousness," Pitamaah said stonily.

The Pandavs looked devastated especially Arjun. "Pitamaah," he whispered but Bhisma wasn't even looking at them.

"Maharaj," Shakuni said with joined hands. "What kind of message will the subjects of Hastinapur get if you allow the Pandavs and Panchal Rajkumari to enter the palace? They will think that you and Mahamahim approve of the Pandavs' sin and soon all around Kuru, many men will marry one women. What will be left of the great Hastinapur's dignity then?"

"Gandharraj is right. I cannot allow you all inside the Kuru kingdom. I am sure Tatshree and Vidur will agree with me on this," Maharaj Dhritarastra said with furrowed eyebrows.

"Tatshree, we-" Yudhisthir tried to speak.

"Be silent, Yudhisthir. Be silent. Do you all have no shame? Or have you left it behind when Bheem married a Rakshasi?" Shakuni said condescendingly.

Bheem took a step forward enraged but was stopped by Arjun grabbing his wrist.

The Kauravs were silent spectators who were enjoying themselves completely. Karn's expression was a mix of disbelief, disappointment and disgust.

Kunti was silently shedding tears.

"I agree with Maharaj," Maharani Gandhari said. "How could this happen when you were there Kunti? How could you let them do this?"

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