Of Conflicts and Commensal

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Mahamantri Vidur's suggestion was met with looks varying from astonishment to dismay.

"Are you aware of what you are implying, Vidur?"said Mahamahim Bhisma. His voice trembled towards the end as the idea of a divided Kuru kingdom filled his mind. Was this the result of his years of service, patience and aspirations?

Vidur couldn't meet the gaze of his Tatshree and looked away. "This is a family fued which is boiling over to become an unwanted catastrophe," he turned to Dhritarastra and said," Maharaj, when a building is on the verge of collapse, a wall is built in the middle to support it's form. The animosity between the Kuru princes has gotten out of hand. We can still abate war if we keep them apart."

Dhritarastra listened quietly. Vidur had provided sound reasoning to his suggestion. He didn't want war. He just wanted his sons to be happy.

"I-" he was interrupted.

"What kind of a solution is this? I will not tolerate the division of Kuru Kingdom. It belongs to Pitashree now as he is the Maharaj and in future it will belong to me," Duryadhan was adamant in his claim.

"Enough," Bhisma said."Enough has be said in this court today. I cannot stand here any longer."

He looked at Dhritarastra and said,"Maharaj," then walked out.

Abhijishya knew it wasn't the right time to stress on Kakashree Vidur's suggestion so she remained a silent spectator.

Maharaj Dhritarastra said," The purpose of this court session is fulfilled. The das and dasis will make proper arrangements to accommodate the Pandavs and Kulvadhu Draupadi. Welcome back."

The Pandavs and Draupadi joined their hands and thanked Maharaj.

Dhritarastra got up." The court is dismissed."


"How long do you plan on hiding here?"

Nakul didn't bother to look at the source of the voice. He continued brushing Ojas's mane and said," I am not hiding."

He heard light laughter. Sahadev came into view.

"Isn't this Ojas?"he asked. The horse in question whinnied upon hearing his name.

"He has grown in the time we were gone, hasn't he?" Nakul said fondly petting Ojas.

"Oh, he has grown a lot," Sahadev said as he moved closer to the pair. He rubbed Ojas's white forehead with a smile.

"So?" Sahadev asked.

"So what?" Nakul answered walking towards the stack of straws kept nearby.

"Really Bhrata? You think I would buy your excuse to tend to the horses as you walked away hurriedly after the court meeting," Sahadev said.

"I missed my companions," Nakul simply said while feeding Ojas.

Sahadev sighed. He said instead,"You remember Vanya?"

"She was a lovely mare. I first learnt horse riding on her. But I still think she was more fond of you," Nakul said with a slight chuckle. With her long black mane and shining dun pelt, Vanya had been untamable and exquisitely graceful. At first she only allowed Sahadev to mount her and later Nakul. Ojas, on the other hand, had inherited the black mane and dun pelt from his mother Vanya along with his in-curved ears and skewbald markings from his father Pranay.

 Ojas, on the other hand, had inherited the black mane and dun pelt from his mother Vanya along with his in-curved ears and skewbald markings from his father Pranay

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