From Her to Her

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A knock resounded through the chamber cutting short Abhijishya's rare period of solitude

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A knock resounded through the chamber cutting short Abhijishya's rare period of solitude. She gnawed at her lower lip half tempted to remain silent in hopes that her attendants would leave her alone. Abhijishya twirled a loose lock of hair that had strayed from her braid mentally taking comfort from the cool breeze as she willed herself to calm down. The fast approaching winter days meant the need to add another heavy article over her garments to keep oneself cosy. Something Abhijishya wasn't looking forward to so she relished in the late autumn wind carrying a waft of fragrance from the Royal gardens.

Another knock reached her ears. Abhijishya let out a disgruntled sound before snapping, "How many times do I have to repeat myself? I said leave me alone. I'll call you if I were to need anything." This was truly annoying. Her companions along with her husband seemed to have taken up the job of constantly hovering near her to the point where their presence felt smothering.

The door hinge opened partly to reveal an unexpected visitor peeking in. Draupadi stood at the threshold looking surprised. She cautiously asked, "Is this not a good time?"

Abhijishya flushed in embarrassment scrambling up to sit straight from the numerous cushions she was reclined against. Cursing her mouth mentally, a sheepish smile appeared on her face, "No, no. Please come in, jiji." Abhijishya cradled her swollen abdomen as she carefully turned sideways to get down from the bed.

"Oh Dhruvi! Don't bother," Draupadi tsked walking upto her. She looked momentarily hesitant before taking Abhijishya's hand in hers and helped her settle back down in a comfortable position. Then she sat down opposite to her returning her co-sister's grateful smile.

"Were you busy with something?" Draupadi asked softly eyeing the pile of parchments- some crumpled and some untouched, a metal quill and ink pot lying on Abhijishya's writing desk which was situated on the bed itself.

Abhijishya shook her head trying to come up with a nonchalant smile but Draupadi's concerned face denoted that her attempt had been futile. Thankfully, she wasn't questioned further. Instead, Draupadi asked amusement evident in her tone, "So what was that about earlier?"

Abhijishya huffed then replied reluctantly, "After the incident two days ago, Arya and my companions have made it a point to never leave me alone and not let me do any work." She shot Draupadi a long suffering look and continued, "It is irritating and terribly boring. I am sick of reading and laying around the entire day."

"They are worried for you," Draupadi replied with a sympathetic smile. "Everyone is, including me. You have been trying to isolate yourself. You are in a delicate condition. All the stress is not good for you."

Guilt coloured Abhijishya's face as she turned away not wanting to meet Draupadi's eyes. She aimed for an indifferent shrug, "I like having some private time to myself. It helps me collect my thoughts."

"Dhruvi," a dainty hand nudged her face to meet Draupadi's. "You know you can always talk to me, right? I admit our relation is amiable at best but I would like us to be friends."

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