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Erin Nylie's P.O.V

After several days... It's been five days already. We come up with a decision to come over here to our hideout. Besides, it's Saturday. I am with my friends and we have our own playtime.

As soon I texted someone, I hear the door open. He's here already. This is the reason why I love him so much.

"Hi, Babe, what's up?" I heard Frederic go to my side and kiss my temple. He seated behind me while caressing my hair.

I was busy looking at the information I get from my investigator while the others? They are playing snake and ladder on the floor and some mp3 games.

I looked at him and smiled. I turn my body in front of him and he holds my two hands.

"You don't know what I've found out, babe..." Immediately, James looked at me in confusion. He didn't answer but he is waiting.

"I know you'll love this." He smiled. He is really eager to listen and I know he will love my ideas and plans.

"On a second thought, if you're like this, I expect you have a plan already." He caught me off with this statement and I immediately spanked him a little bit in his arms while we laughed. He really knows me well enough.

"Okay, here is the deal. Rain girl was bullied by her best friend last year. And! I saw she has some bruises." After I shared it with him, smirked was plastered on my boyfriend's face. Together, we lent out some giggles.

"I know for a certain that Rain, she has someone who courts her today," Kenneth answered while he is playing some mp3 with Martin. We started grinning and laughing.

"You know, dude?" Kenneth looked at us and stop what he was doing. Even Margareth and Avery stopped what they are doing. Curious eh?

"I even teased Rain five days ago." Martin agrees with him as the two of them doing high-fives. We said "Woah" in unison.

He stands up and went to Martin's side. "He was caressing Rain's shoulder like this dude."

Suddenly, Martin holds Kenneth's left shoulder and started doing what Kenneth does. And to get into action, Kenneth acted scared and uncomfortable while Avery and Margareth started to laugh. Frederic started to laugh too and so do I.

"She was really scared at the thought that she will be molested by Kenneth," Avery commented and give Margareth a teasing smile. Margareth raised her right hand saying that she will have something to share. We looked at her and she smiled meaningfully.

"I was really amazed by Erin's acting guys. She was saying like..." Margareth stands up and started to mimic me.

" Kenneth? What did you do?! " And her face went angry and the tone of my voice is copied too. Immediately, Kenneth answered.

"I didn't do anything, Erin. Besides, I was just having a little conversation with Rain. Right Rain?"

We started to laugh again.

Right now, the laughter was so loud. The four corners of the room were filled with our waves of laughter. I shake my right hand and ask them to stop first.

"I mean, pfft, I didn't know by that time I said those, that was an intention by Kenneth. I thought it was just a simple conversation and you didn't do anything weird on her." I saw Martin shakes his head in disagreement.

"Nah, we just want to see your reaction and it was priceless, Erin! We just want to surprise you, that's all. And we just want to bully her as if it was just by teasing her." I stopped moving. Aww, they did it for me to be happy.

The Girl In Black Dress|Soon To be Published under GPWhere stories live. Discover now