1 | Peaceful beginnings

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Chapter 1 - Peaceful beginnings

Third person POV:

Sunday afternoon.

It was a rather peaceful and quiet Sunday actually. There were no villains in sight and the people of Paris seemed to be doing just fine. Adrien however was stuck at home.

Once again.

He had been grounded for no real reason at all. He was getting bored of staying in the same boring environment. The poor boy wasn't even allowed to leave his room unless it was breakfast, lunch or dinner. He couldn't even go out for some fresh air. The only time he was allowed outside was when he had to attend photoshoots.

Gabriel sure was one strict and overprotective father.

Things were beginning to become repetitive. Adrien would wake up, play piano, go on his computer, watch tv and go to bed when it was late. There was nothing exciting to do.

At least going to fight akumatised villains brought some excitement and some entertainment to his day.

He loved fighting by his lady's side. It brought him so much joy. Since there weren't many Akumatisations, Adrien had to stay within the walls of the mansion. He secretly wished for a villain to appear because he was desperate to get out of the mansion.

"It's so boring here in the mansion, I wish I could go out. Even just for some fresh air" Adrien sighed with a sad expression on his face.

"Why would you want to go outside when you can enjoy some tasty Camembert while enjoying the comfort of this massive room?" Plagg muttered, stuffing his mouth with Camembert.

Adrien stood up and walked over to the window and looked out of it. "I just want to hang out with a someone, that's all. I want to be able to socialize with my friends." He sighed.

"Be friends with Camembert, it's the most loyal friend out there." Plagg chuckled.

"Oh Plagg, you really love Camembert don't you?" The blonde boy raised a brow at his kwami.

"Umm duh, it's the best creation that has ever been made"

Adrien turned to look at Plagg. "At this point I'm surprised you haven't got married to it yet."

"Don't get me wrong, I love Camembert but this heart belongs to someone else." The Kwami smirked without shame

"Oh really? Then who." It was now Adrien's time to smirk.

"Sugarcube...." Plagg mumbled quietly.

"Sugarcube? Who's sugarcube?" Adrien asked. He was surprised that there was someone he loved more than Camembert.

"Ladybugs kwami." Plagg quickly covered his mouth. "I've said too much haven't I? I'm going back to my delicious cheese."

'Ladybug...' Adrien thought to himself. "Wait, that's right, I can still go and hang out with Ladybug. That's if she's not busy right now. Hopefully she's not."

"You're not seriously planning to go out right now are you? Remember you're grounded?"

"Adrien may be grounded but Chat Noir certainly isn't." Adrien smiled innocently.

Plagg face palmed himself at his owners ignorance. "Oh boy." He sighed.

"Plagg claws out."

"NO my beloved Camembe-" The kwami tried to say before he was sucked into the miraculous.

"Much better, I really needed to breathe this fresh air." Chat Noir proclaimed as he jumped over the rooftops. "I wonder what Ladybug is up to right now."


Hey Guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter. Its a short Introduction to the story. Keep reading as this book is gonna be a good one. Have a good day!

- Miss Miah

Word count - 565 words


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