37 | Sweet Marichat

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Chapter 37 - Sweet Marichat

Chat Noir's POV

Marinette woke up, desperately panting for air as she took quick short breaths. 

Another one.

I quickly made my way onto the bed and sat next to her, wrapping my arms around her shoulders. 

This time she didn't cry. She looked tired. Tired of not being able to sleep peacefully. Tired of having these nightmares. 

I felt tired for her. 

I sat in silence with her, holding her hand letting her know that I was here for her. That she wasn't alone. 

After a few moments, her breathing became steady and she let out a deep sigh. 

"Another one?" 

She nodded.

"Same one or different one?" 

"The same one." She muttered in a low voice. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" I watched her body language. I could tell she wanted to tell me but she didn't know how to or the words just weren't coming out.

We sat in silence. Just listening to each other breathing. 

She lay down on her bed covering herself in the blanket then opened it up to let me lay down beside her. Once I did, she covered the two of us in the blanket. 

She lay flat on the bed, her body facing the ceiling whereas I laid on my side, my body facing her as I watched her intently.

"I...I don't know...how to explain it." She began. Her eyes still fixed on the ceiling. Not even a small glance at me. "It was as if...you were battling Electra-girl, again."

My eyes narrowed at the mention of Electra-girl. 

Thinking about it, we never actually defeated her. She just disappeared and we saw the butterfly flying away. 

"But this time, the battle was...intense?" She turned her head to look at me, then turned her gaze back to the ceiling. Her brows narrowed as she continued. "Everything was chaotic. Buildings destroyed, most of them had collapsed. The sky was a blood red colour and there was smoke everywhere. Buildings set ablaze, Paris looking completely desolated and eradicated. But that's not the worse bit."

I frowned but waited for her to continue nevertheless. 

"Electra-girl looked more powerful than ever. In fact it was as if she looked like Static at the same time. But that isn't the important bit." 

Electra-girl looking like Static? Well they mentioned that they were indeed cousins. But how does that relate to this?

"The heroes. You, ladybug, Rena rouge and Carapace. Covered in blood. Cuts and bruises were evident on all of you. In fact you looked the worse out of all of them. Your suit torn, pain evident in your eyes. blood oozing out of your suit-" She stopped herself from continuing. Tears forming in her eyes as she sniffled softly.

I held onto her hand and kissed it. "It's okay Mari. You don't need to continue if you don't want to."

She took a shaky breath, "It felt so real Chat. So so real." She whispered as a tear rolled down her face. 

I used my hand to wipe it away then turned her onto her left side so that she was facing me. "It's okay princess. I'm okay, you're okay and I'm here to protect you." I comforted her.

"But who's going to protect you? You always go out of your way to protect others but what about you." She snapped, not in anger but in concern and worry. 

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