51 | The truth

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Chapter 51 - The truth

Adrien's POV

Another two days had passed. I was informed that I was going to be released later on in the evening.

I already knew what that was going to mean.

No going anywhere because its 'not safe'.

The only reason why Paris wasn't safe was because of Hawkmoth. If he just gave it a rest for a while, the city would be peaceful.

Who even got him so worked up that he decided to start torturing the whole city? Can't that person just apologise?

Someone must have done something so bad to make him get crazier over the months.

Even if my dad did lock me in the mansion, I was for sure going to sneak out. I needed to see Marinette.

She definitely took a lot more damage than all of us heroes so she'll probably be in the hospital longer.

I'll wait for her to get discharged.

Once she does then chat and her can talk about everything properly.

Since it was my last day, I did want to at least get the chance to see her before I had to leave. Obviously I wouldn't be able to visit her everyday since I knew my father would be a monitoring freak, making sure I was checked on every thirty minutes.

But whenever I had the chance, I would go and pay a visit.

"How do you feel? You're finally going to be able to go back home." Tikki smiled brightly at me.

"To be honest, not that happy." I shrugged.

"Why not? You get to be in the comfort of your room, sleeping in a nice comfortable bed. What's not good about that?" She asked.

She didn't know. Although I worked with Tikki once, she'd never been to the mansion and seen what it was like for me. I wouldn't want her to.

"Yea those things are nice but the environment at my house isn't." I sighed.

"Oh, I'm sorry Adrien." her smile faded as she looked at me sympathetically.

"No it's okay, you didn't know. not many people do but it's alright." I sent her a small smile. "I'm planning to go see Marinette soon. Do you want to come?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Yes, I've missed her so much." The smile came back to Tikki's face.

"Who knew it was that easy to make you smile again? All we had to do is ask if you wanted to see Marinette." Plagg chuckled.

"Oh shush, I haven't spoken to her in four days. I think I deserve to see my owner after being separated for this long." She rolled her eyes playfully.

"Mhm whatever you say Tikki." he laughed to himself.

I laughed at the two before speaking, "Alright, charge up Plagg and I suggest you eat something too Tikki. I don't know how long we will be in there."

"Don't have to tell me twice." Plagg smiled before jumping into a pile of camembert.

"Oh Plagg." Tikki signed.

I got some cookies for Tikki and gave it to her. I waited for the two of them to finish eating before transforming.

"Plagg claws out."

Chat Noir's POV

My plan was to go to the front desk and ask where Marinette was staying. Hopefully I'll be able to see her and hopefully they will let me in easily.

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