53 | Reunited

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Chapter 53 - Reunited

Marinette's POV

A week had passed by.

A whole week without seeing Chat in person. We've been calling each other every chance we could.

I was just glad I had a chance to communicate with him and that I wasn't fully ghosted.

I wouldn't be able to bear not speaking to him.

I have to admit it. I'm down bad.

I'm down so bad.

I've spent most of my time here replaying moments with Chat in my head. The moments we've spent together in my room and in my house. Even the great memories of ladybug and chat.

I completely forgot that he stole my first kiss when I had to free him from Dark Cupids spell.

Just the thought of it made me blush.

It was supposed to be a quick kiss but it lasted a lot longer than Ladybug planned.

I must admit I liked it.

But chat will never know. He doesn't need to.

Everytime I think of a memory between us, my cheeks would heat up and I would blush a deep red.

I couldn't help it.

Who doesn't like the guy?

He's so tall, muscular, he has some perfect golden hair. So perfect that I want to just play around with it and feel how soft it was. He has the most perfect lips I've ever seen. They are just so beautiful-

Oh great. I've began rambling once again.

I'm down bad guys.

I have no clue how long I will be able to keep it a secret. It won't take too long until he will be able to figure it out himself.

I know having ladybug and Chat Noir in a relationship is risky but it a risk I'm willing to take.

And anyways the real relationship is between Chat and I. Not ladybug.

Ladybug is not who I am. It's what people want me to be.

The want me to be their hero; their saviour; this determined, never failing girl who never messes up.

But that's not who I am. I'm Marinette. The clumsy girl who enjoys designing and drawing. The girl how loves to have a laugh and be surrounded by her friends acting goofy and silly.

That's who I am.

The girl who has a big heart that is ready to give someone all their love. But also wants to receive love as well.

I wanted to know how it felt to love someone fully but also receive the same amount of love back.

I wanted to show him what it meant to be loved by someone deeply.

I just don't know if he wants me to be the one to do so.

I could only hope.
Today was the day I was being discharged. I was in the hospital for like two weeks. I've already missed so many lessons and I was bound to miss many more.

I know how my parents can become protective and they were more than likely going to keep me at home.

To be fair I didn't mind because I am not prepared to go back to school. I don't think I can face everyone after everything I had been through. I didn't even know if I would I would be able to cope with going back.

It's just too much.

Trying to catch up with like 3-4 weeks of missed work.

I don't know if I'll be able to do it.

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