35 | Sickness

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Chapter 35 - Sickness

Marinette's POV

I feel horrible.

Not only do I feel horrible, I look horrible too.

It's been about a week since since me and Chat had our first kiss and things couldn't be better.

He sees me every chance that he can, never failing to make me smile or laugh.

He hasn't visited in 2 days due to some personal stuff which is totally fine. He does have a life outside the mask and I know I have to be very respectful of that.

But I've been feeling absolutely horrible these past couple of days.

At first I hid it from Chat because I didn't want him to worry but now it's become visible so I can't really hide it anymore.

I can't even hide it from my parents either, they've already seen it and to say they are worried is an understatement.

I don't even know how I became sick, it's not like I was going out a lot. Most of the time was spent in my room.

So it can have been transferred by someone.

I don't think it was Chat either because firstly I haven't seen him in 2 days and also he is very healthy should I say.

Even Tikki is worried, I mean she has had to watch me become progressively sicker should I say.

I can barely even sleep. Neither in the day or at night.

Every time I try, I just have a nightmare.

It's exhausting.

All I want to do is sleep but I can't even do that. My eyes are practically begging for rest but I just can't sleep at all. No matter how much I try.

Every time I look at myself in the mirror, I just look worser and worser. My face paled, my pink lips, lifeless. My rosy cheeks, plain and dull. My eyes puffy from crying because of the stupid nightmares. Dark circles and eye bags comfortably resting under my eyes.

I look like a wreck.

But I don't want to burden people by telling them what's going on.

I haven't gone to school for the past few days but luckily its the weekend now. I've had to act as if everything is alright. I can't let Alya bust into my room and see what I look like. So I have to act as If everything is fine.

I just don't want people to worry about me.

I lay on my bed facing the ceiling just thinking about life.

I've seen Chat Noir as Ladybug once this week. Speaking about Ladybug, It was my turn to do the patrols.

As much as I didn't have the energy to do it, I needed to. At least transforming into Ladybug gives me a bit of strength. Otherwise I wouldn't be going anywhere.

"Spots on." I called out transforming into Ladybug.

Ladybug's POV

Although I was still physically sick, my body seemed to be alright, so I went onto the balcony and jumped into the cool Paris evening.

I flew through the streets looking for signs of an akumatisation or anyone who needed help. Luckily for me it seemed to be a calm evening. Everything seemed to be under control and there was no unusual activity.


Now that I think about it, It's been a week since Hawkmoth has akumatised people. I must say it's been very quiet. But it has me questioning what he is up to.

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