39 | The Great Return

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Chapter 39 - The Great Return

Static's POV

It's showtime.

"You know what to do girl, go make me proud." Electra-girl winked at me.

"I promise I won't let you down." I smiled.

"I know you won't, now go out there and do what you do best. I'll be joining you very soon." Electra girl smirked.

"We'll get our revenge girl, I just know it." We did our signature handshake and I hugged her one last time.

"You're a strong girl, I know people only see you as a self absorbed, crazy villain but they don't know you or what you have gone through. I have. And to me you're a big sister and an inspiration. No matter what happens, I'll still love you." I hugged her tightly one last time before waving goodbye and setting off to start the show.

I flew onto the tallest building and glanced down at the city.

These people have no idea what's going to happen. Well I'm back and I'm stronger than ever. Thanks Hawkmoth for the boost in powers, I owe you one.

It's time to gain some power.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng watch out because I will be coming for you very very soon.

Chat Noir's POV

Jumping from the balcony and into the city, I began listening out for any signs of Static. I found her in the city centre zapping citizen's mercilessly.

"Who would've thought we would be seeing you again so soon." I jumped onto the scene landing in front of Static.

"Look what we have here. Mr 'I'm head over heals for little Miss Marinette." She laughed.

She isn't lying about that.

She pointed her staff toward me but instead of shooting her beam at me, she shot it at the innocent civilians who were desperately trying to escape.

As soon as they were struck, they began fading away just like how people were fading away when Timebreaker was akumatised.

Looks like she's been given new powers.

"Aww sorry guys but for citizens who are supposed to be running away from a Villain, you all are disgustingly slow." She smirked, sarcasm dripping in her tone.

"What do you want Static." I raised a brow, getting my staff ready in case she began zapping me. "These people haven't done anything to you."

"What do I want?" She chuckled slowly backing away from me. "You're seriously asking me what I want."

I gave her the 'are you going to tell me' look.

"You seriously can't be that dumb. It's only been a week." She rolled her eyes and began flying away.

Where is she going, and why on earth hasn't she even tried to strike me yet. I thought we were supposed to be playing the Cat and Mouse game.

Does she not want my miraculous or something?

"Revenge little Chat. That's what I want." She smirked one last time before speeding off leaving me once again.

Who could she possibly want revenge on who isn't me?



Yeah... that's not good.

Marinette's POV

As soon as Chat Noir flew away, Tikki came out of her hiding place.

"You and chat Noir have become real close huh?"  Tikki smirked teasingly.

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