27 | Late night calls

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Chapter 27 - Late night calls

Adriens POV

From the time I finished modelling at the studio I had and hour until I had to leave for the event.

So I spend my time doing the most logical thing... texting Marinette.

I spent 45 minutes just texting her which was 100% worth it. I was wishing that I could actually see her instead of having to text but it's better than nothing.

To say that I was disappointed that I had to stop texting her would be an understatement. I was devastated.

But I had to do what I had to do.

There was a suit which was placed on my bed from the time I first got into my room so I immediately knew it was the outfit picked out for me.

I changed into the suit and got my hair ready before going back into the corridor to return to the car once more.

I wasn't really looking forward for the event, not because I had to play the piano but because of the conversations I would have to be a part of.

Especially with the adults children.

Some of them were very clingy should I say.

The only girl who I'll allow to ever be clingy to me is Marinette.

And Marinette only.

Marinette's POV

I've probably spent the past hour just re-reading the messages that I had with Chat Noir.

He had me blushing like crazy over the fact he called me 'Darling' and 'sweetheart'. But the fact he said 'My sweet purrincess' got butterflies flying around in my stomach.

I had probably not blushed so much in my life before.

I spent most of my time screaming in my pillow and jumping around my room because of how cute Chat was being.

Those nicknames were honestly so cute. I just wished I could hear him actually say them to me in person.

"Marinette your cheeks are even redder than me. Who's got you blushing like that?" Tikki asked as she watched me scream into my pillow for the 15th time.

"He called me my sweet purrincess." I squealed, the biggest smile on my face.

"Who's he? Wait you mean Chat Noir?" Tikki asked inquisitively. I nodded in response. "I think you might be developing a crush on Chat Noir Marinette."

Now that sentence caused me to stop fan girling and blink repeatedly at Tikki.

"Say what now?" I blurted.

"Oh come on, isn't it obvious, you're always blushing like crazy when you are with him and apparently now even when he texts you." Tikki crossed her arms as she began explaining her point.


"I'm not finished." She interrupted me. "You think about him all the time, you even made him a personalised hat and a hoodie which was inspired by him but also a picture inspired by him. You are clearly obsessed with him." She concluded.

"I wouldn't say I'm obsessed-"

"You sure?" She frowned.

"Okay maybe a little." I shrugged. "But that doesn't mean I like him. Right?"

"Oh Marinette. You're in denial. Give it some time and you'll see I'm right." She giggled as she flew away to do her own thing leaving me with my thoughts.

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