46 | Betrayal

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Chapter 46 - Betrayal

Ladybug's POV

I had no idea what was wrong with me. All I knew is that my body was in pain and it was exhausted. I desperately wanted to go to bed and forget about all this but I couldn't.

My body was in pain because of the hits but there was nothing I could do. My face was slightly cut up and I knew the scratches were bleeding. I could feel it.

I didn't even need any confirmation.

My head was pounding and I felt aches everywhere. But I had to deal with it.

This battle wasn't over.

I need to stay functioning until my miraculous bug fixed everything.

I felt like I was dying but I was going to give it my all. It's my job. People look up to me. The whole of Paris is waiting for me to fix it.

I cannot and will not let them down at all.

"Ladybug! You're awake." Rena smiled at me. She rushed over and hugged me. I hugged her back. "You don't understand how much we need your ideas. We've all missed you so much."

"She has a point there. Rena, you and Chat were all black out. It was just me and Viperion and we had no clue what to do." Carapace shrugged chuckling to himself.

"Well I'm back now and we need to finish this battle." I stated with a serious expression.

"Do you have a plan LB?" Chat asked me.

"I sure do." I nodded. "Viperion, when I signal you, activate the watch. We may need second chance especially since most of our energy has gone and we are tired and slightly injured. Also remain out of the battle and out of sight, if you are injured we won't have another chance."

"Got it." Viperion nodded.

"The rest of us are gonna fight. We need teamwork and coordination-" Just as I was explaining, I heard screaming. "What's going on with the screaming?" I asked.

"The civilians have gone out of hiding and it looks like they are being chased by a sentimonster." Viperion informed me.

"A sentimonster? Please tell me hawkmoth hasn't given them the peacock miraculous." I sighed.

"We are not sure if it's an illusion since they've used illusions before." Rena shrugged.

"Okay change in plan, Viperion and Rena, go and investigate. Find out if it's an illusion or not and speak to the civilians. Don't get caught by the sentimonsters though. If they are real they will target you and if not, the villains will come and try and fight you instead." I instructed them.

"Cool." Rena and Viperion nodded at me.

"Chat and carapace, you are with me. We will go fight first. If we need backup, then Rena we will call you."

"Sounds like a plan." Chat gave me the thumbs up.

"We don't know what extremes these villains will go to but we need to be prepared no matter what-"

"Citizens of Paris, as you can see I've destroyed this city, I've hurt your dearest heroes and sent sent you all running for dear life. But I'm not done." Electra-girl smirked.

All the tv screens were showing a live video of Electra-girl.

"If you thought all this was bad, then you better start crying because revenge starts now. Your dear heroes won't be able to save you. No one will. Today is the day you lose." Electra-girl cackled. "It's time for ultimate chaos." She laughed.

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