28 | Targeted

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Chapter 28 - Targeted

Adrien's POV

I spent more time talking to Marinette on call before I ended up falling asleep.

I didn't mean to fall asleep on call but I was tired.

It was now 7am. I was still tired but I knew I had to prepare to head back to Paris.

I detransformed and left Plagg to get his daily dose of Camembert. I put my phone on the charger before going to the bathroom and having a shower.

I prepared myself for the day and got myself somewhat presentable.

Since I didn't know what time we were leaving, I decided to get back into the covers and wait for Nathalie to knock on the door.

It probably took 30 minutes for Nathalie to knock on the door. I collected my things and made my way back to the corridor once again.

The hotel really was nice and I for sure enjoyed my stay.

I was also able to get a decent amount of sleep which I'm happy about. I finally got more than 4 hours of sleep. It was getting hard surviving on little sleep.

But I knew for sure I was for sure going to go back to sleep in the car and back in the mansion.

I'll probably go to Marinette's later on in the day. I want to spend as much time with her as I possibly can.

Once again, I made my way to the car and made myself comfortable before closing my eyes once more and dosing off.

Marinette's POV

I couldn't sleep at all last night.

Not because I had a nightmare or anything, but I kept tossing and turning the whole night.

Chat Fell asleep whilst we were still on call.

I was rambling on about something that had happened to me when I realised I could hear soft snores from my phone.

I could tell Chat was tired when he called me but I think I underestimated how tired he really was.

I really didn't want to go to school today but I don't really have much of an excuse right now except for the fact that I keep yawning but I'll get sent to school regardless.

My eyes weren't puffy, red or swollen. I had some dark circles but I can easily cover that up with concealer.

The last thing I need is for Chloe to come at me.

I really don't have the energy for anyone at the moment.

If teachers want to have a go at me, I'll probably just walk right out for the class and go home. I mean it's not really hard to leave school.

You can literally just walk through the doors.

They really do need a better security system.

I could've just left on Tuesday but Mr Damocles would've found out I was sent there then he would call my parents.

Today my goal was just to not get sent out. I'd rather be the one to walk out.

I climbed out of bed and went into the shower and got myself ready for the day. I put concealer over my dark circles then went to choose an outfit.

I decided to wear blank leggings and a baby blue oversized hoodie with white converses. I got my tote bag with my school things inside then grabbed my phone and put my sunglasses on my head.

I checked the time and began heading downstairs. It was 8.20am meaning I had 10 mins before school started.

I got myself a quick snack for breakfast then head downstairs to greet my parents before grabbing the pastries they prepared for me.

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