9 | Interactions

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Chapter 9 - Interactions

Adrien's POV

I woke up the next morning with Marinette in my mind. She was so vulnerable. And it hurt to see her so sad.

I was glad she was able to open up to me, well to Chat Noir should I say.

The question now is, has she been upset like this for a while. Was she hiding this all along?

Since I left her house yesterday, I've been waiting for school so I could check up on her. I've been a terrible friend before and now I want to change that. I want to be a friend she can trust.

I really enjoy her company. She's been a great friend to me so I want to return the favour.

I laid on my bed looking straight up at the ceiling lost in thought. "Ahh another day to talk about my undying love for cheese." Plagg stretched and yawned.

"Good morning to you too." I sighed.

"What's with the long face? Is it because of baker girl?" Plagg asked as he flew over to my side. I turned my head towards him and shrugged.

"I guess so. I don't like seeing Marinette upset. She always makes me smile and now that I think about it, I barely make her smile." I looked back up at the ceiling again getting lost in thought once again.

Plagg paused for a moment before speaking up Again. "Look Adrien, you don't need to beat yourself down. Consider this as an eye opener. Now you can be the one to help Marinette. You're a kind person so you'll know what to do."

I listened to every word Plagg spoke, he was right. I shouldn't continue questioning myself as a person. I should be the one to comfort and support Marinette. If she didn't open up to me then I wouldn't have known.

"Thanks Plagg." A small smile appearing on my face.

I sat up and began preparing for the day. I made my bed then had a shower before putting on my clothes.

I decided to wear a dark blue and white varsity jacket, with a white shirt, black jeans and dark blue and white Jordan 1s.

I put on my signature cologne before heading downstairs to breakfast. Plagg was already enjoying his Camembert before I even got ready.

Once I had finished eating, alone as always, Nathalie came to inform me of my schedule for the day. "Your father wants to listen to you play the piano, so as soon as you come back, get practicing. Gorilla is ready to take you to school now, have a good day Adrien."

"Thank you Nathalie." I smiled softly before heading back to my room to get ready for school. I took my bag and carefully put some Camembert for Plagg inside before hiding Plagg inside and going back downstairs.

Once I as in the car, gorilla began driving to school.

After a 10 minute drive, I arrived at school and immediately saw Alya and Nino standing together.

Those two were such a good couple. Sometimes they made me want to have that type of connection with someone.


I got out of the car and made my way over to the couple. "Hey guys." I smiled as I fist bumped Nino.

"Yo dude, what's up." Nino nodded, holding onto his cap.

"Nah I'm good bro." I nodded back. "Morning Alya, you okay?"

"Yes sir Adrien." She smiled. Just as she was about to say something, her attention turned to someone. 
"Look who is on time here today." She shook her head playfully.

She walked towards Marinette and gave her a hug. "Hey girl. You're actually on time today. What's going on with you?" Alya laughed causing Marinette to giggle.

I watched the two interact but sneakily took in her outfit. She was wearing light blue and white whereas I was wearing dark blue and white.

Who knew we were going to come in wearing similar outfits.

I must admit she looked really good today.

"Trust me girl, it's the homework. You guys already know how much I love my sleep. But the homework forced me to get up earlier. The teachers need to relax with the homework. They give us so much." Marinette sighed, a small smile on her lips.

As the girls were having their catch up, I noticed the one and only queen bee turn up to crash the party.

"Uhh Marinette? Your Best friend is here." Alya chuckled. I watched Chloe step out of her car. She had her phone in one hand and her bag in the other.

She seemed to be texting someone and a few moments later, Sabrina came running to Chloe's side immediately taking her bag and walking behind her.

I felt bad for Sabrina because she couldn't see that Chloe was only using her. Chloe treated her like she was a servant, always making her carry things, do her homework and class work and even more.

We have all tried to tell her about Chloe but she doesn't want to leave her. At this point we all let her be. As much as we all care for Sabrina, at the end of the day it is her decision to choose whether she stays with Chloe or not.

Chloe began walking towards the school but she had to go where Marinette was standing. "Out of my way Dupain-Cheng." She pushed Marinette causing her to stumble before flicking her hair, and walking of snickering.

"Someone woke up in the wrong side of bed."Marinette mumbled with a frown on her face. She had her arms crossed as she watched Chloe waltz into the school barging past different students.

"Come in girl let's face it, she always does." The girls laughed.

The girls began talking almost themselves so me and Nino did the same. Soon enough, Alya came up to me and Nino, dragging him away. She pointed her head in Marinette direction indicating that I should talk to her.

This could be my chance to start getting her to open up to me. I just needed to remain calm, act natural and be a good friend.

It can't be that hard,



Hey guys! That's another chapter completed, this time you get a full chapter on Adrien's POV. Let me know if you want more of Adrien's POV in this book. I hope you enjoyed todays chapter. Have a good day and see you in the next one.

- Miss Miah

Word count - 1088 words

Not edited

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