19 | Sleepovers

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Chapter 19 - Sleepovers

Chat Noir's POV

As I was peacefully sleeping, I heard some sniffles next to me. My first thought was that it was Plagg having one of those dreams again but then I realised that I was at Marinette's house.

And I was currently sleeping next to her on her bed.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw that Marinette was still asleep. Our hands were intertwined causing my cheeks to warm up.

For some reason it felt, good. I actually liked it.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Marinette began stirring in her sleep. Her brows were furrowed, and her face showed distress. "No...please." She mumbled in her sleep.

She began mumbling words before tears began falling down her face. "Stop...please...please stop it."

My eyes widened when I clocked she was having a nightmare. "No...no please."

I don't know what was going on in her dream but clearly it wasn't good. I had to wake her up. "Marinette, wake up." I quietly spoke as I softly began shaking her. I sat up straight so I could wake her up more easily,

I immediately let go when she continued stirring in her sleep. Her cry's were getting louder by the second. "Please, leave me alone..."

I called her name again but louder. But she was still deep in her sleep. I kept trying and trying until she suddenly sat up, gasping for air.

She quickly looked around the room, scanning her surroundings. Her eyes landed on me. I opened my arms indicating she could hug me and she quickly moved herself closer to me before holding onto me desperately.

She rested her head on the upper half of my chest, close to my shoulder and cried.

Once again, I began rubbing circles on her back and I began comforting her. "It's okay now." I softly whispered. "I'm here. You're safe with me ."

She held onto me a bit tighter. "I'm here to protect you. I'm okay, you're okay. We are both Okay."

It hurt to see Marinette so vulnerable like this. I know I always mention it but it breaks my heart.

Who knows if she's been having nightmares like this frequently. What if she has had many over the past week or so.

"Shhh Marinette, it's okay. I'm here with you and I'm not going to leave you." I comforted her. I stopped talking and we fell into a comfortable silence.

I carefully made the two of us lay down on the bed again before grabbing the covers and covering the two of us with the duvets.

I was laying with my back flat on the bed whilst Marinette was resting her head on the upper half of my chest, close to my heart. My left arm was wrapped around her waist whilst her left arm was wrapped around mine.

My cheeks warmed up at the thought of Marinette holding onto me.

After a couple minutes, Marinettes tears turned into small sniffles then she calmed down. It took her a couple minutes for her body to fully calm down before she fell back to sleep.

It was just after 3.20am when she managed to fall back asleep. I had to get back to the mansion before 6.30am, ready for Nathalie to come and wake me up and give me the schedule for the day.

I didn't want to leave Marinette just yet because I didn't want her to end up having another nightmare. So I made myself comfortable and decided to spend the night. I'll wake up at around 6am and head back to the mansion.

Marinette's right hand was resting on my chest so I took my right hand and held onto hers.

I looked at Marinette one last time, before my eyes began closing and I drifted off to sleep for the second time.

Marinette's POV

I woke up the next morning and immediately saw that Chat Noir had  gone.

I can't believe I had two nightmares last night and they were both about Chat Blanc.

I have to admit, actually seeing Chat Blanc and seeing the damage he caused to the city scared me. Especially since he kept on mentioning that it was 'our love' that caused it.

Seeing my partner, my best friend being akumatised and becoming a crazy... monster, the thought of it scared me.

Ever since that day, I began having nightmares about Chat Blanc. I had many different nightmares about him and they all managed to be different.

Chat Blanc is the reason why I'm being somewhat distant with Chat Noir. I want to avoid it happening. I know that Chat Noir loves Ladybug so much but for the safety of everyone I can't persue anything with him.

My head was aching from the amount of crying I did. My eyes were so puffy and swollen. I already knew that I wasn't looking good but I couldn't be bothered to even hide it.

I barley even slept last night because of the nightmares. They both terrified me. They were some of the worst ones I've had so far.

I made my way to the bathroom and had a shower. I couldn't be bothered to do my full skincare routine so I just cleaned my face then applied some moisturiser on it. I quickly brushed my teeth before making my way back into my room and finding an outfit to wear.

To be honest, I could care less about my outfit right now, so I decided to wear an oversized hoodie with leggings.

I had woken up late again so I only had 10 minutes to get myself to school. But to be fair I just couldn't be bothered to go.

I grabbed the bag I used for a school yesterday since it still had everything I needed in it. I took my phone off the charger and put it in my bag, I hadn't used my phone since before I had my long nap yesterday. And I had a lot of messages.

I made my way downstairs to the kitchen and I took a quick snack and a water bottle. The pastries my parents baked for me were on the counter so I put them in my bag as well but I quickly took a croissant out.

I put sunglasses on so that my parents wouldn't see my puffy eyes then quickly greeted them before leaving the house to get to school.

I had no energy to run to school, so I walked casually to school and continued to munch on my food.

People better not test my patience today, I'm really not in the mood. I don't care whether a student or teacher begins to start on me. I'll be the one to finish to conversation and there will be a high chance the other person won't like what I'll say.

Never bother me when I'm tired.

It never ends well for anyone.


Hey guys! Chat Noir really stayed the night with Marinette, just to make sure she slept well. Isn't that cute? But Now we have an irritated Marinette, and we all know it's not gonna end well... Hope you guys enjoyed todays chapter. Have a good day and I'll see you in the next one.

- Miss Miah

Word count - 1222 words

Not edited

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