48 | Do it again

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Chapter 48 - Do it again

Ladybug's POV

(Second chance has been activated so this chapter is starting from where Viperion activated the watch.)

"LOOK OUT GUYS!" Chat Noir shouted. We all quickly jumped out of the way. Electra-static shot out a laser beam which I was sure would knock someone unconscious on the spot.

"Close one." I looked at the damage on the floor. "Guys let's fight." I nodded at them.

"Oh ladybug," Electra-static flew down closer to where we were. "I've got something for you, and it's called death." She smiled wickedly.

Just then my vision began to get cloudy and I felt dizzy again. No I can't do this again. I got my yo-yo and threw it in her direction.

I couldn't see if I hit her or not but I heard it hit something. Just then my vision returned back. Strange.

Chat Noir got he baton and tried to use it to hit Electra-static but she quickly caught on and sent a beam in his direction. Chat quickly jumped out of the way, landing back on his feet.

Just then a ball of electricity was being launched in our direction. We managed to clear its path however it caused the ground to shake making us lose our balance. The force at which it hit the ground caused the buildings to begin to collapse.

"GUYS BE CAREFUL, MOVE OUT THE WAY." I shouted at Rena and Carapace. They looked up and saw the building they were next to was about to fall and they began running.

Electra-static saw all this and took out another staff and started firing beams at the four of us.

We all tried our hardest to dodge the beams and to try and trap Electra-static but it was no use. She was in the air and we were all on the ground.

My energy was beginning to run out.

"Guys we need to try and split up a little. You two stay and fight from the ground, chat and I will go to the rooftops." I suggested.

"Okay." Rena nodded at me.

I made eye contact with Chat noir then nodded signalling him to go to the other side and get onto the rooftop. As I was going to go onto the rooftop, I saw Viperion signalling me from the side. 

I looked around and made sure no one was watching me before quickly making my way over to him. 

"Is everything okay Viperion?" I asked.

"You need to listen to me. Last time you tried this, Electra-static got Rena and took her miraculous. You need a different strategy." He quickly spoke with a worried expression on his face.

"Wow um okay, do you have any suggestions." I asked.

"Stay together and try to avoid going on rooftops. Try and fight in open spaces." He advised me.

"Got it and thanks for your help." I nodded at him.

"Also don't try and hide yourself in a room. It's not the best idea." 

"Okay?" I was confused but I let it slide.

"One last thing, the miraculous is not in her board."

I nodded at Viperion before turning around to leave him. If he was telling me all this information, then it meant that we had lost. The thought made my heart drop but I decided not to think about it.

I discretely made my way out of the alleyway Viperion was hiding in and went back out. "Guy's, change of plan, try and lure Electra-static to an open area. Let's try to avoid using rooftops." 

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