45 | Illusions and assumptions

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Chapter 45 - Illusions and assumptions

Electra-girls POV:

Everything was set up. Static and I found a location that suited us.

Of course we choose a wide rooftop. The ground isn't fun enough. I want to see more explosions, more collisions.

I needed that extra effect.

Static placed the heroes in the middle. They were still tied together and unconscious. My plan was to wake up bug eyes once the hero's got here.

As for the black cat, I had no idea when he would wake up but I knew it would be soon.

The purple butterfly appeared in front of my face. "Hawkmoth, it's time. Send her over." I smirked.

"She's on the way." Hawkmoth replied smugly.

The purple butterfly disappeared and I turned my attention back to Static. "Cuz, I have someone I'd like you to meet." I smiled.

On cue, Mayura appeared in front of the two of us. "Hello girls. You've done a spectacular job so far. It's time to wreck some havoc among the people." She winked at us.

"No way! Mayura? You're here." Statics face completely lit up. I laughed at the sight of it.

"Of course I am, you think I would miss the grand finale?" Mayura laughed humourlessly.

"Right it's time to get down to business. I'm sure big eyed little gang are on their way." I put my serious face on. I put my hand up to my earpiece and spoke. "Stormy, Volpina, you know what to do. I'm sending our extra help to you now Stormy. The citizens are in hiding underground. You two know what to do." I nodded at Mayura giving her the signal to go. Static happily waved at her before refocusing.

"Static it's time to get this party started."

Rena Rouge's POV

"We need to stop this battle guys. Forget about me, we need to think of the whole of Paris. Their lives are in danger."

I knew carapace was worried but we don't have time to worry, we have lives to save and protect. We have our own teammates who need saving.

"Rena has a point. Ladybug and Chat Noir are still out there and they need our help. We need to go now." Viperion agreed with me. At least somewhere was understanding where I was coming from.

"Okay, you guys are right, let's get our partners back and save this city." Carapace finally agreed.

We quickly got some food for energy before setting out into the city.

"Keep your eyes open guys, we need to find where those villains are. They were on a rooftop so just be mindful to keep your eyes open." I notified them before the three of us set off in different directions.

I went on my way jumping from rooftop to rooftop in search of the villains. I wished I had either Chats baton or ladybugs yo-yo. It would make travelling much easier. But I only had my hands and legs.

I had to time my jumps carefully. One wrong move and I would end up on the ground unconscious again. It would be quite a fall.

Just as I was running around, I heard screams from people. I stopped running and turned to try and locate where the screaming was coming from. Then I saw civilians running.

Why weren't they in hiding and what are they running from. I put my hand to my earpiece and spoke. "Guys we have a bit of a problem. The civilians are on the loose. They seem to be running from something but I have no clue what. If you see any civilians try and see what they are running from."

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