5 | Unexpected visitor

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Chapter 5 - Unexpected visitor

Marinette's POV:

Being ladybug is such a huge responsibility. The safety of all of Paris lies in my hands. Sure the police are useful but when it comes to fighting villains they are pretty useless. I'm practically left alone to make a lot of the decisions alone.

Obviously I have Chat Noir to help me but in the end most of the decisions come down to me.

I have to prioritise my school life because I'm only 14. I'm still young and I still have a future ahead of me. At the same time I have to ensure all of Paris is safe. An akumatised victim could appear at any time. I always have to be alert.

It's rough. I don't have the same life as my friends. They don't need to worry about Hawkmoth sending a new villain constantly so he can get a hold of the miraculous.

Sometimes I wish I had the same peace as them. I wish I had a normal life being able to socialise whenever I wanted. I can barely go on holiday anymore because of this huge responsibility.

Don't get me wrong, I love being Ladybug. It's been such a great experience but it's beginning to interfere with my personal life.

At my young age of 14 I've already been exposed to stress, pressure and the constant fear that I'm not doing enough. The fear I'm letting Paris down.

These feelings overwhelm me. But who am I supposed to tell? I can't reveal my identity. So I'm alone, I'm left to deal with all this stress and pressure alone. It's a heavy weight on my shoulders and I know it's only going to get worse.

I began feeling tears forming in my eyes as I continued to dive in the endless pit of thoughts.

This is not the time to be crying. Stop acting so weak and get a grip.

I would love to, but how?

I quickly tried to distract myself. I don't want Tiki to see me crying. I'm supposed to be strong. I can't be soft and weak.

I grab my sketchbook and begin thinking about some designs I could work on. As soon as I let my pencil hit the paper, my hand had its own idea and began drawing a picture instead.

I didn't bother stopping. Drawing was a way for me to express my feelings. Maybe it might distract me?

Maybe. Just maybe I'll be able to forget everything going on in my head and fall into a world of my own.

Just maybe my mind could be at peace for once.

Just maybe.

After drawing for a while, I realised I was crying. I don't know when I started crying but I couldn't bring myself to stop.

It was like I had lost control of myself.

I was lost in my own world full of sadness. And I couldn't find a way out.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a knock on my balcony window. Frantically, I wiped away my tears and quickly made myself look presentable.

"Who is it?" I ask trying to keep my voice as strong as possible.

"It's me Chat Noir." The person replies.

Chat Noir? What is he doing here?

I quickly climbed up my bed and  went to the balcony. Chat Noir sat patiently on the chairs deep in thought. He immediately looked at me as soon as I came.

"Hi umm sorry if I was interrupting, I just really need to speak to you about-" He looked at me deeply analysing my tear stained eyes. "Are you okay?" He asked with a concerned expression.

"Oh yeah haha I'm doing just great." I muttered cursing myself for letting my voice crack.

How fantastic Marinette, you just blew your cover.

Chat Noir stood up and began walking towards me bringing a comforting aura. "Are you sure your okay?" He asked gently.

Don't mess this up.

I desperately wanted to tell him that I was fine but my body betrayed me. Tears started pouring out of my eyes and I began rambling.

"I feel like I'm such a horrible person. I've been put through so much stress and pressure and I began bottling up my emotions because I thought they would just go away. And now everything has just got ten times worse and my friends are beginning to notice that I'm not okay. They've been trying to comfort me and help me but I have been pushing them away but I don't mean to push them away or to take out my anger on them. I'm such a terrible friend, they only wanted to help." I ramble covering my face with my hands.

You do realise you were rambling right? The boy didn't ask for your life story.

My eyes widen slightly as I realise my mistake. I quickly remove my hands from my face and apologise. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ramble-" before I could finish apologising, Chat Noir came up to me and gave me a hug.

A very much needed hug.

"No don't apologise for expressing your feelings. You don't need to feel ashamed. You are not a terrible friend or a horrible person. In fact you are one of the nicest people I have ever met. Don't be so harsh on yourself. I'm sure your friends all love and appreciate you." He spoke softly as he held onto me.

I let myself hug him back and I took the moment to melt into the comforting hug. I clung onto him as I continued to let the tears fall.

I knew I was going to regret this later but It was something I needed to do. I needed to share that information with someone. I had to tell someone even though my conscious was telling me otherwise.

I don't know why I chose to reveal this information to Chat Noir. He is a trustworthy person after all. He doesn't know much about my school life either so I guess he was basically my only option. It's not like I'm going to have many encounters with him as Marinette.

I continued holding onto him until the tears stopped falling. After being in a comfortable silence I spoke up. "Thank you Chat Noir. I really needed to speak to someone. I'm glad you came."

I finally let go of him and looked into his eyes. "oh and sorry about all that. I didn't mean to be so dramatic." I giggled softly.

"Don't apologise for it. Sometimes we all need to express our feelings one way or another." He smiled softly. "Hey do you want to grab some ice cream to cheer you up?" He asked hesitantly.

I mean I haven't really eaten in a while and my parents are busy with the bakery so why not. Its not like I'm gonna have dinner anytime soon.

"Sure, I haven't really eaten anyways." I shrugged with a small smile on my face.

"Alright, you might want to hang on tight." Chat
Noir winked as he gently picked me up in a bridal position. "Ready?"

I held on tightly to him and innocently looked into his eyes. "Ready."

As soon as Chat got confirmation, he took off into the cool Paris evening. I found myself looking at him with a small smile stuck on my face.


Hey Guys! Sorry for not updating for like 2 months. I completely neglected this book and I was busy focusing on the other one. I'm back now since I'm on school break and I'm going to try and update as much as I possibly can! I Hope you enjoyed this chapter. It was a nice Marichat moment. See you guys in the next chapter!

- Miss Miah :)

Word count - 1305 words


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